Rubber City Rebels
Been looking around for this one for a while, since my vinyl copy the Busboys, I was never even certain it was released digitally......anyway, thanks to once again John E, I have...
View ArticleMazzy Star
Everyone comfortable? Ready to mellow down in the ultimate sense of the term? Then thank God for Mazzy Star, a longtime personal favorite of mine, for reasons we'll discuss here shortly. Early 1990's,...
View ArticleLet Me Tell Ya Bout Wayne, Again......
Few weeks back I did what I thought at the time was a semi-clever post on the theme of "Jail Guitar Doors" (look it up, links are still good), based on the Clash song of the same name about Wayne...
View ArticleSavages
Thought this looked interesting, another John N submittal (and PLEASE consider how much work he does to send me dozens of links that I can use, not use, whatever.......very generous).....anyway,...
View ArticleDEVO for my Akron U bound baby boy
Like it or not (not), my baby boy BigGrant97 heads off for the University of Akron in the fall, as mentioned before, Akron being the home of The Rubber City Rebels (see yesterday) and of
View ArticleA Reader sends in a Mazzy Star boot!
(SCOTT)- A new (I think) contributor drops a Mazzy Star boot for us to inspect and enjoy.......I've never heard this one, sure will by tomorrow though..........M.D. Milner submits this one, from 1993...
View ArticleFrom Cliff: Boogie On Reggae Woman part 1
(Scott) Always great to hear from Cliff with another of his dynamite submissions, this one featuring some of the women of reggae........more stuff I am unfamiliar with BUT interested as hell to hear,...
View ArticleA Rubber City Rebels bonus
When I mentioned that my copy of "Rubber City Rebels" didn't include the cool "Brain Job", Jonder came through with a copy of the original split EP (I think with the Bizarros)......anyway, this is side...
View ArticleSSSHHHHH.....don't tell anyone.....
I usually don't do this, but John N has sent me a copy of the yet to be released "IV" from Black, if you know from my posting history here, I LOVE Black Mountain, I had heard they had...
View ArticleBeatles Uncovered-Tremendous!
Found this posted on "Voodoo Wagon", ( posted by blogging wunderkind Jobe.......I don't TOO often borrow/steal/creatively acquire other people's posts (I never would...
View ArticleBrian Returns With Some French Synth Electro-Punk
(SCOTT)-Brian allowed me to preview these (some of them) a while back and I freaked for them, like nothing I've heard before..........tremendous stuff here.....his review below is quite concise so I'll...
View ArticleThe Minutemen
I know I make fun of 1980's music a lot (it's fun, and SOOO much of it DID in fact suck), so it always amazes me when I drag out another great band from that this case the Minutemen. A...
View ArticleThe Tomcats
With the onset of Strat-o-Matic baseball, as well as watching the NCAA Tournament, rather than working my aching fingers to the bone as I did yesterday with The Minutemen, I think we'll dip into the...
View ArticleMedication
Another interesting link from John N, and, again, another newer always, if  artist/label/anyone else objects to the posting, please notify me and it will be removed with...
View ArticleBlack Mountain 10th Anniversary Special Release
Lets have one more for today from the link-machine, John N......I posted this album quite a while back, it was originally released in 2004 or 2005.......anyway, I posted thier newest release ("IV") the...
View ArticleJonder contributes You Am I
(Scott) So many submissions that I am unfamiliar with, I am struggling to catch up with hearing all of them.....Jonder will tell you all you need to know about You Am I here, I carpet bomb-listened to...
View ArticleBrian's Bad-Ass AC-DC cover project
(Scott)-this is a good one, listened to the whole thing last night, and as I told Brian I enjoy some of these hard slammingcovers more than the originals.....the Two Cellos thing is beyond amazing (I...
View ArticleStarz-Attention Shoppers!
Not to be taken seriously, this is in fact a pretty awful American hard rock album from a pretty awful American hard rock band just happens to come with a fairly interesting story which...
View ArticleBrian presents Exile on Covers Street
(Scott)- Rolling Stone magazine once picked "Exile" as the greatest rock album of all time......while I don't agree (by a long shot), it's certainly a classic. Brian did his usual stellar job of...
View ArticleA great surprise from Zigzagwanderer
(Scott)-This turned up in my email a couple days ago, Zigzagwanderer has been around for a spell, and he contributes some fine links here for us featuring some Devo boots and some Mazzy Star related...
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