else......I know what I am going to do.......if you care, I am going to take the construction-administration position, it is simply too good to turn down.....while doing a less-stress trucking thing woucl be fun, this is double the money and is something I can do in my sleep.........after much thought, I'll have to take it.........the work hours MAY cause me to cut back on the blog a bit, but I will NEVER EVER EVER stop doing it.......it might just be more like a weekend thing (of course I may be able to write the texts at work, so who knows)........anyways, thanks to everyone for your comments, the first few months of retirement were GREAT, the last few simply boring, and my original plan was to be "off" about a year and then find "something"......well, it's been about 11 months, and I think i have "found" something I can do for 5 years or so and get my kid educated which is top priority (see, so HE doesn't have to do "construction administration" HIS whole life)......I think I have made the right choice.......if not, well, I will find that out later, but right now I am so bored with my days I would go work at Taco Bell just to have somewhere to go each day.
Love you all, Scott M
(yes I like Lindsay Lohan, so fucking what?)