I don't think I've ever posted the soundtrack from "Hype", before, and I should have, it's a good one....."Hype" was a 1996 film dealing with the early 90's grunge scene, to be honest, I think the film is a little slow (although worth seeing once), but the soundtrack is not a bad one at all, lotta good stuff on here if you are a fan of the 90's Seattle scene, GOOD LORD, that was 25 years ago? Allow me to take my ativan, or something.....
The "stars" (is that even the word?) of the era are here.....Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden......and of course, they are great, but we aren't here for stuff we can here every night, there are other gems here such as Gas Huffer's "Hotcakes", a live "Knot" from the underappreciated and wonderfully named 7 Year Bitch, stuff from the Fastbacks, The Gits, Tad, Some Velvet Sidewalk, and plenty more obscure stuff to make you go "Wow man"......i recommend this, highly, for fans (like me) of the too-short-lived grunge scene, which of course, melded into the stoner rock scene that I love so much........
I know, it's only rock n roll....
But, I....well you know the rest, right?
These are in glorious FLAC so thusly the files are a little on the large size, you know how it is, right?
HYPE-01 THE FASTBACKS-K Street (live)/02 THE WIPERS-Return of the Rat/03 U-MEN-Dig It a Hole/04 GREEN RIVER-Swallow My Pride (Demo)/05 SOUNDGARDEN-Nothing To Say/06 MUDHONEY-Touch me I'm Sick (live)/07 NIRVANA-Negative Creep/08 SOME VELVET SIDEWALK-Mousetrap (live)/09 DEAD MOON-54/40 (Live)/10 GIRL TROUBLE-My Hometown/11 TAD-Giant Killer/12 GAS HUFFER-Hotcakes (7" version)/13 YOUNG FRESH FELLOWS-Low Beat/14 SUPERSUCKERS-I Say Fuck (Live)/15 7 YEAR BITCH-Knot/16 THE GITS-Second Skin (live)/17 FLOP-Julie Francavilla (Demo)/18 THE POSIES-Throwaway (Live)/19 PEARL JAM-Not For You (Radio/Live)/20 MARK LANEGAN-The River Rise/21 PIGEONHEAD-Fire's Coming Down/22 THE FASTBACKS-Just Say/23 SARA DEBALL-Smells Like Teen Spirit (Instrumental)

respond in kind by commenting, sharing, just by being a part of the community we are trying to create here.....in particular, once again, I would like to see a few volunteers to help with Apantabapanta's big project, he'll need some help with that one, but I'd love if we could. together, as a team, pull it off.....anyways, hope you like "Hype", sorry I've been away for a couple days, I will be back tomorrow with, well, something, as of this minute I have less idea of what than you do, so we shall see.......love to all!