Core were singer/guitarist Finn Ryan, bassist Carmine Pernini, an drummer Tim Ryan, they were together for a short time in the late 1990's, delivering two albums of fairly unknown and quite strong stoner rock. Information on them is EXTREMELY limited, I'll go with what I can tell ya.....their debut (1996) "Revival" is excellent, heavy-psychy stoner rock, maybe reminding one of Wo Fat, whom you know I like a lot, lots of trippy sound effects and heavy riffing, nothing earth shattering, but you know I love this stuff and I know some of the minions do as well.

Their albums were unsuccessful and I guess they called it a "career", haven't heard the names of the members turning up anywhere else (not that I have really searched, either).....nonetheless, these are two pretty damn good stoner rock albums that we fans of the genre wouldn't want to be without. Play them loud.
REVIVAL-01 Way Down/02 Cleargod/03 Kiss the Sun/04 Sawdust/05 Shift/06 Earth/07 Mosquito Song/08 Liquid/09 Black Sand/10 Face
THE HUSTLE IS ON-01 Monolith Problem/02 Supernumber/03 LD 5/04 Fleetwood/05 Sarah's Curious Accident/06 No. 5 In a Series/07 Vaccum Life/08 Square and Round/09 Skinny Legs and All/10 Bicycle and Tricycle/11 Edge City/12 Blues for Gus (AuH20)
Links in a little while, or a long while, or whatever it takes.....leave a comment, these guys were so obscure I'm sure they'd love a shout out, even HERE!