Ok, obviously I enjoy the music of Los Natas. They hail from Argentina, and consist primarilly of
Walter Broide (drums, vocals, sequences, keyboards, bombo leguero, trumpet), Sergio Chotsourian (guitar, vocals, keyboards, flute, laud), and Gonzalez "Crudo" Villagra (bass, bombo leguero, laud, charango)....they have also utilized a good many collaborating musicians over the years in their very deep, varied, complex music.
The following year they would release "Ciudad de Brahman", which takes the debut and builds on it....adding spacey psych tones ala Colour Haze (hmmmmm, Colour Haze, another great band I have never featured, make note to self) with the desert-surf sounds of Kyuss.....very little vocal work here and what there is is nothing spectacular, but this is a fine album. Trust me.
2002's "Cosario Negro" is their first TRULY great album, on which their unique sound begins to take off.....as hard rocking as, say Monster Magnet, while retaining and developing the trademark jazzy touches. Fine album, the title track and "2002" are highlights, but this is a 4.5 star album that one listens to in its entirety.
They heavied the sound back up for 2006's "El Hombre Montana", turning the guitars back up and toning down the multi-instrumentalism a bit.....this is not as good as, say, "Cosario Negro", but if you are a fan of the band (like myself), you will find yourself enjoying this one as well.
In 2009 they released what I beleive to be thier last proper album, I think they still remain active in various projects....."El Nuevo Orden de la Libertad" is yet another completely worthwhile album (really, they've never had a REAL clunker), it does rehash a good bit of the ideas they have used before, but they have had so many ideas, and they are one of those bands like Pink Floyd, or Senser, Tool, that, for better or worse, NEVER threw away a single idea.
OK, you can see I enjoy this band. I realize they are pretty much unknown the USA except in stoner rock circles, I would really really really really really appreciate comments from both new listeners and the already initiated. Enjoy the NCAA tourney today, and tomorrow, because as we all know NCAA Tourney and Los Natas go together just like chicken salad and severed human fingers.
CIUDAD DE BRAHMAN-01 Carl Sagan/02 Meteoro 2028/03 Tufi Meme/04 La Ciudad De Brahman/05 Siluettle/06 Brisa Del Desierto/07 Paradise/08 Alohawaii/09 Adolescentes/10 999/11 El Resplandor/12 Rutation/13 Polvareda/14 Nadha
UNRELEASED DOPES-01 Asteroides/02 Division Miami/03 Viento Dorado/04 Corriendo En La Montania/05 Highway Sun/06 Meteoro 2028/07 Brisa Del Desierto/08 El Resplandor/09 Alohawaii
COSARIO NEGRO-01 2002/02 Planeta Solitario/03 Patas De Elefante/04 El Cono Del Encono/05 Lei Motive/06 Hey Jimmy/07 Contemplando La Niebla/08 Bumburi/09 Americano/10 El Gauchito/11 Cosario Negro
TOBA TRANCE I-01 La Tierra Delfin/02 Que Rico/03 Die Possime
2004 MUNCHEN SESSIONS DISC 1-01 El Negro/02 El Cono Del Encono
2004 MUNCHEN SESSIONS DISC 2-01 Corsario Negro Loco/Traicion en el Arrocero/Humo de Marihuana/02 Tomaiten (Jamm Aleman)/Que Rico (Live)
EL HOMBRE MONTANA-01 El Bolsero/02 Amanecer Blanco/03 No Es Lo Mismo/04 Humo Negro Del Vaticano/05 La Espada En la Piedra/06 El Ciervo/07 El Camino De Dios/08 De Las Cenzias, El Hombre...../09 El Soldado/10 Lanza Ganado/11 Sigue, Sigue
UNIVERSO PERDIDO DISC 2-01 Bodokentorten/02 Corriendo en la Montana/03 Tiempos Violentos/04 Highway Sun/05 Division Miami/06 El Convoy/07 Xanadu/08 El Pappo/09
Remember/10 Ride With Me
EL NUEVO ORDEN DE LA LIBERTAD-01 Las Campanadas/02 El Nuevo Orden De la Libertad/03 Resistiendo El Dolor/04 Hombre De Metal/05 Ganar-Perder/06 El Pastizal/07 David & Goliath/08 Bienvenidos/09 10.000/10 Dos Horses
Gonna take a while to get all these upped, links will be sometime this evening while I get tomorrow's post ready......sometimes these are labours of love and this is one of them, a lot of work, but a lot of good material here, hope you guys like this HALF as much as I do!