OH GOD the disc problems I am having with the early volumes of the series.....listened to Volume 1 in the van, to Volume 6 in the kitchen, Volume 3 in the rec room......all played fine, sounded great. Put them in the computer and THEY WILL NOT UPLOAD, THECOMPUTER WON'T READ THEM. FORTUNATELY, great blog friend DavidWolfsonnc ("Sonic" as I call him as I was originally illiterate enough misread his name originally) has promised to come to my aid with the defective discs....That is what I love about this blog, we are all helping each other out, as this was originally an attempt for ME to help another great blog friend, Jose, with a few volumes HE was missing.....at the end of the day, we will ALL have the full series and NOONE will be out anything. That is how i WANT it to work, and how it IS working.....as we all continue to strive to compile our own personal "perfect" music collection, the best way doing so is just ty we are doing it here, by SHARING. THAT is the key word here anyway, ANYONE out there is welcome to anything I have, just ask, glad to be of help, and many friends world wide are just wonderfully generous with their stuff.....I got another lame email about "file-stealing", GEEEEEZ it is 2014........here is how stealing works.....you awaken in the morning and your car is gone. Here is how sharing works....there has been a way devised to completely, accurately copy a car completely......I "copy" my car, you do the same, and we trade the copies, now we BOTH have our original car, PLUS an exact replica of the OTHER GUY's car......if there is ANYONE too dense to understand that there is a difference there, they are probably busy making racist and homophobic "tough guy" comments on internet blogs.
Today, volumes 8-14 of this fine internet created comp, originally from the now defunct Psychedelic Lion blog.....if ya checked out part 1, you can see exactly what I mean in my description.....not much "super rare" stuff, but not many lame tracks either, and a lot of stuff that SHOULD but doesn't often make these type of comps due to (probably) record label politics (Rolling Stones, Kinks)......
So, Volume 8......not much "obvious" material here, Electric Prunes and Pretty Things check in with less-than super-well known tracks, some Q-65, Them, and Jelly Ben Bandits, mixed amongst more obscure stuff ala Timebox, Complex, Spur, and The Contents Are....arguaealby the most "obscure" collection of the series.
Volume 9 features "Liar Liar" by the Castaways which appeared earlier in the series, which is a bad thing when compiling comps, couple tracks from the recently-featured-HERE Steve Miller band, some (for whatever reason) rarely comped Mitch Ryder & the Detroit Wheels (the great "Ce Ce Rider"), often comped but still wonderful "Journey to Time" from Kenny & the Kasuals, Music Explosion's cover of '96 Tears".....a good set, with a lot of west coast stuff (Quicksilver, Jefferson Airplane, Moby Grape).....a good collection
Volume 10 contains an odd selection, Three Dog Night's "Family of Man" (good tune, not certain it belongs HERE though), the Grateful Dead's maybe only good tune ("Dark Star"),some less obvious stuff from fat Mattress, John Mayall, Procol harum, Summerhill and more, like Volume 8, generally an obscure grouping. The creator of this set (and I COULD NOT locate his name) did if nothing else, do his homework in combining the obscure and the obvious
So on to Volume 11......well, not your typical "Nuggets" knockoff by any means....The Guess Who, Bob Dylan, Deep Purple, Cream, not to mention Bo Diddly and the Everly Brothers....really, this guy did a great job with this series, seems like he'd be fun to have a cold one or 12 with.
Volume 12 has the great but easy to locate "Heart Full of Soul" from the yardbirds, a couple tracks from Left Banke, Music Explosion's WAY over comped "Little of Soul", Gary Lewis and the Playboys (less than spectacular, IMO) "This Diamond Ring", a track from Neil Diamond (!), and (an odd choice, good tune, but odd choice), the Jefferson Airplane's "She has Funny Cars".....I don't now this MIGHT be the weakest disc here, and it DOES have it's moments.
Volume 13 goes again for the obscure, perhaps the most obscure of the series, stuff from the Vikings, Marshmallow Way, Teddy Robin & the Playboys, The Loot, Inside Looking Out, and lots more obscure-o's.......good stuff, rarely comped and very cool.
We wind up today's post with Volume 14, also fairly obscure, Jimmy Stokely & the Escorts, Arthur Brown, The Patriots, Peter & the Wolves, The Pilgrimage.....again, hats off to the creator......some stuff here that doesn't get comped every day....and that is significant.
We are now 2/3 of the way through this series, tomorrow, we get to the POINT, the discs that my amigo Jose has lost (Volumes 15-16 I think), which is the reason for posting this series......Good Lord, between doing these LONG posts AND preparing (rigorously) for the Strat O Matic baseball draft (in my best estimation, about the third or fourth most important thing in life) I have VERY VERY little spare time in which to watch TV or any of THAT important shit......honestly, after I die, one of you needs to start a NEW blog documenting my greatness and dedication!
VERY IMPORTANT, CHECK DAVEWOLFSONNC'S post of the damaged volumes in the comment section, either today or yesterday's or tomorrow's.....I WILL point you in the rght directon.
VOLUME 8-01 SEL-SYNC-The Fire Is Gone/02 THE NIGHTCRAWLERS-A Basket of Flowers/03 LES BAROQUES-I Was Wrong/04 THE CONTENTS ARE-In Trouble/05 JUJUS-I'm Really Sorry6 THE NOMADDS-Don't Cheat on Me/07 TIMEBOX-Walking Through the Streets of My Mind/08THE HONEYCOMBS-Love In Tokyo/09 BOHEMIAN VENDETTA-Riddles and Fairytales/10 COMPLEX-Josie/11COMPLEX-Mr Creep/12 THE JELLY BEAN BANITS-Happiness Girl/13 MICHAEL YONKERS BAND-My House/14 MORNING DISASTER-Black Lether Books/15 NEW COLONY SIX-Let Me Love You/16 Q'65-So High I'veBeen So Down I Must Fall/17 THE CHILDREN-Help I'm Lost/18 ELECTRIC PRUNES-Wind Up Toys/19 THE KINKS-Look For Me Baby/20 THE MASTERS APPRENTICES-Buried and Dead/21 THE OUTSIDERS-Won't You Listen/22 THE PRETTY THINGS-Get the Picture/23 ZAKARY THAKS-Face to Face/24 THEM-Waltz of the Flies/25 UGLY DUCKLINGS-Not For Long
VOLUME 9-01 THE TURTLES-Eve Of Destruction/02 QUICKSILVER MESSENGER SERVICE-Dino's Song/03 MOBY GRAPE-MrBlues/04 COUNTRY JOE & THE FISH-Flying High/05 JEFFERSON AIRPLANE-We Can Be Together/06 THE HOLLIES-On a Carousel/07 THE STANDELLS-Little Sally Tease/08 THE CASTAWAYS-Liar Liar/09 THE SQUIRES-Going All the Way/10 DAVE CLARK FIVE-Glad All Over/11 THE TROGGS-Give It To Me/12 BRENTON WOOD-Gimme a Little Sign/13 THE GOLLIWOGS-Fight Fire/14 DAVE CLARK FIVE-Concentration Baby/15 STEVE MILLER-Your Old Lady/16 MITCH RYDER & THE DETROIT WHEELS-Ce Ce Rider/17 KIM FOWLEY-Bubblegum/18AESOP'S FABLES-What Is Love/19 KENNY & THE KASUALS-Journey To Time/20 THE MUSIC EXPLOSION-96 Tears/21 QUICKSILVER MESSENGER SERVICE-Babe I'm Gonna Leave You/22 STEVE MILLER-Mercury Blues/23 THE YOUNGBLOODS-Get Together/24 MOTHER EARTH-Revolution
VOLUME 10-01 FAT MATTRESS-All Night Drinker/02 THOMAS & RICHARD FROST-She's Got Love/03 BEAU BRUMMELS-In Good Time/04 RAY COLUMBUS & THE ART COLLECTION/05 SEATRAIN-13 Questions/06 DAVE MASON & CASS ELLIOTT-Glittering Facade/07 THE COWSILLS-Signs/08 THREE DOG NIGHT-Family of Man/09 ERNAN ROCH-The Train/10 SUMMERHILL-My Way (Hard For You)/11 THE YARDBIRDS-Glimpses/12 1966 Trips Festival Promo/13 DARK STAR-Grateful Dead/14 THE TIMEBOX-Walking Through the Streets of My Mind/15 SOUNDS OF MODIFICATION-Darkness Fills my Lonely Heart/16 KEITH MANSFIELD-Exclusve Blend/17 JOHN MAYALL & THE BLUESBREAKERS-I'm Your Witchdoctor/18 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA-Coming Down/19 PROCOL HARUM-Homburg/20 NORMAN GREENBAUM-Spirit In the Sky
VOLUME 11-01 BO DIDDLEY-Do the Frog/02 TRIPSICHORD-Black Door/03 EVERLY BROTHERS Gone Gone Gone/04 THE COWSILLS-River Blue/05 BOB DYLAN-If You Gotta Go Go Now/06 SMITH-Let's Spnd the Night Togther/07 THE GUESS WHO-8:15/08 GORDON JACKSON-Sing To Me Woman/09 JOSHUA-Open Your Mind/10 UGLY DUCKLINGS-JustIn Case You Wonder/11 THE CLIQUE-Stay By Me/12 TEE SET-What Can I Do/13 THE WALKER BROTHERS-Saturday's Child/14 LEMON PIPERS-Stragglin Behind/15 EARTH ISLAND-Ride The Universe/16 JEFF SIMMONS-Wonderful Wino/17 LEMON PIPERS-Fifty Void/18 DEEP PURPLE-Listen Learn Read On/19 CREAM- Those Were the Days/20 OUTCASTS-The Finchley Boys/21 TURTLES, LEAVES, IDES OF MARCH-WQAM FLORIDA THE HULLABALOO
VOLUME 12-01 NEIL DIMOND-Girl, You'll Be a Woman Soon/02 FALLEN ANGELS-Introspective Looking Glass/03 HERMANS HERMITS-Moonshine Man/04 THE GURUS-Roads To Nowhere/05 THE YARDBIRDS-Heart Full Of Soul/06 SUNSHINE COMPANY-A Stitch In Time SavesNone/07 JEFFERSON AIRPLANE-She Has funny Cars/08 THE BYRDS-I Knew I'd Want You/09 LEFT BANKE-I haven't Got the Nerve/10 THE LORDS-Valley of the Moon/11 THE YOUNG RASCALS-Just a Life/12 ACTION USA PROMOTIONAL RADIO SPOT/13 THE HONEYCOMBS-Have I the Right/14 GARY LEWIS & THE PLAYBOYS-This Diamond Ring/15 MUSIC EXPLOSON-Little Bit Of Soul/16 SIMON STOKES & THE NIGHTHAWKS-Voodoo Woman/17 FORMYULA-My Mama George/18 THE ROADRUNNERS-LSD/19 THE PLEASURES-Mona/20 ABDULLAH'S REGIME-Sally I D/21 THE NERVOUS SYTEM-Bones/22 THE LEFT BANKE-Lazy Day/23 FREE ACTION INC-Nice Angel
VOLUME 13-01 ELECTRFIED PEOPLE-Electrified People/02 THE CHANGIN TYMES-Blue Musc Box/03 THE NIGHT MIST-last Night/04 INSIDE LOOKING OUT-Morning Sun/05 THE BUCKET-I can't Help Thinking Of You/06 MARSHAMALLOW WAY -I Wish I Was/07 PETER TILBROOK-All Mine To Play With/08 THE BUNCH-We're Not What We Appear To Be/09 THE LITTER-Soul-Searchin/10 THE LOOT-I Got What You Want/11 THE VIKINGS-I'm Trying/12 THE THYME-Love To Love/13 IDOLS-Wanted By the Law/14 MIKE EVANS-Gruesome/15 JOE SWIFT'S INTERNATIONALS-Bell Bottoms/16 DAVE DAVANI FOUR-Top of the Pops/17 BOBBY & LAURIE-Every Second Day/18 TEDDY ROBIN & THE PLAYBYS-Magic Colors/19 LONG GRASS-Sunshine to Burn/20 ELECTRIC PRUNES-Vox Wah Spot
VOLUME 14-01 KHJ BOSS RADIO-Humble Harve Hello Happenings/02 JIMMY STOKELY & THE ESCORTS-It's Alligator Time/03 THE BARRACUDAS-What I Want You To Say/04 THE MESSENGERS-I'e Seen You Around/05 THE JUJUS-You Treat Me Bad/06 THE YO YOS-Gotta Find a New Love/07 THE PILGRIMMAGE-Bad Apple/08 FALLEN ANGELS-Bad woman/09 PETER & THE WOLVES-Only Everything/10 CONVERTS-Don't LeaveMe/11 OSCAR &THE MAJESTICS-Got To Hav Your lovin/12 BLUE THINGS-Twist and Shout/13 THE QUESTS-I'm Tempted/14 13TH FLOOR ELEVATORS-Street Song/15 MYSITC TIDE-Mystic Eyes/16 ARTHUR BROWN-I Put a Spell On You/17 LANCE FOX & THE BLOODHOUNDS-You Got Love/18 THE PATRIOTS-TheProphet
OK, remember I am having trouble with some of the uploads, bad discs I guess.....DaveWolfSonnc, bless him, has vowed to bail me out, so the links for this enitre series WILL get up, just maybe not on the timetable I originaly intended.....but we'll GET IT and that is the main thing, right? I want to thank all the friends of the blog who have been there for me when I needed a bit of help with something, in particular Psyclist who is currently missing in action in Southeast Asia, waiting for his Internet servie to be connected.......he'd REALLY enjoy this set, THAT is fact......bet he already has it though!