What a mess......listened to these many times over the years great stuff, listened to a bunch of them the llast two days, sound great, and then, for whatever fucking reason, MY FUCKING COMPUTER won't read a bunch of the discs.....I KNOW the links are behind, Davewolfsonnc ("sonic" to me, due to my illiteracy) is going to bail me out and provide links to the discs that I can't get to upload, we all owe him a big debt of gratiitude, but especially, I DO.......so many blog problems lately what with raist/homophobic comments and of course the guy who wants to beat off to pictures of my wife (my best guess is my wife could kayo him with one punch, she's a bad-ass, NOT a sissy girl, TRUST ME), I don't need DISC PROBLEMS of all thimgs, too.....Sunday I have the Strat-O-Matic baseball draft and we're looking at 12" or so of FUCKING snow, which will put Ohio over the all time FUCKING record for total snow......while I do not claim knowledge on the sbject, I would advise "Global Warming" advocates to try not to convert me right now.......
OK, got Volumes 8-14 up yesterday (if the links aren't available they will be soon), I venture forward, trying to keep this from becoming a total disaster and staying with my committment to help my amigo Jose to fill out his set of these gem-laden comps......and gem-laden they are!
Volume 15 gives us an always welcome Music Machine track (tho not a Great one), some Fever Tree, some more Turtles (the Turtles have long gotten the short end of the stick on comps of this sort), we get Episode Six, Lovin' Kind, Cat's Meow.......it's hard to be consistently great over a series of this many discs, this, as well as 16, while containing a gem or two, is really not the stuff of greatness.
Volume 16 has some odd stuff thrown in, such as Donovan fab "Hurdy Gurdy Man" (I've always thought that was a CREEPY ass song, anyone agree?), Johnny & hte Hurricanes "Red River Rock" (!), Jimmy Gilmer the Fireballs "Sugar Shack (!!!), Hollywood Argyles "Alley Oop".......what the hell is this? of course it is salvaged by The Myddle Class, Spider, The Strangers, and more, NOT the strongest set of the series by any means...
For my money, 17 picks up the pce bit, Neal Ford and the Fanatics are always welcome, as are the great Rationals, and Human Expression.....also lessser knowns from the Cords, Knight's Bridge, Headstones, and Driving Stupid.....this disc gets the set back on TRACK!
Any disc, such as Volume 18, that includes ? and the Mysterians to be ok too, and Human Expression turn up here as well.....Barrett Strong's "money" seems like kind of an odd choice but who am I to judge? The Johnny Winter track is a repeater from an earlie disc (pet peeve)and the disc wraps up with hat I think is a good and ballsy choice, Hugo Montenegro & His Orchestra with the theme from "The Good The Bad and The Ugly".....talk about adding period-piece specifics to a set! Great choice!
So what we have next of course, is volume 19, The Move's fab "I Can Hear the Grass Grow" is the highlight, the Brood (the Brood?) make an appearance, the Hollies "Bus Stop" is a one, we also get Gasoline Powered Clock, The Sound System, George Baker Selection, Tony's Defenders.....not sure I understand the Brood's inclusion, but all in all, a good disc here too, with a good mix of tunes
Volume 20 goes all out obscure, pretty much......and a gd direction to go in.....The Athenians, Mike Cotton Sound, Jacqueline Taieb, Harmony Grass, Traffic Jam and more are hardly household names, we do also get the great "Shakin all Over" from Johnny Kid and the Pirates, and the Animals great "Don't BringMe Down"......one of the better discs here for my money!
Volume 21 will do it for today, then I will go back and see if I can find Volumes 22-25, I know I have em somewhere, dont want "sonic" to have to do any more work that necessary......this disc inclues the wonderful "Pictures of Matchstickmen" by Status Quo, some more Human Instinct, Larry & the Blue Notes, and a cover of "Eight Miles High" by, of all folks, INDEX......lotta obscure-o's on this one too, see the track list......now I will go and see if Ican find volumes 22-25, I know the volumes that Jose needs are in this cluster, so happy birthday mi amigo, hope you enjoy........we WILL, between Dave and myslef, get these damn links posted SOON!
VOLUME 15-1 KHJ BOSS RADIO-Second Annunal Appreciation02 WOLVES-At the Club/03 BAR-KAYS-Bar Kays Boogaloo/04 THE SEARCHES-Western Union/05 FEVER TREE-I Can Beat Your Drum/06 EPISODE SIX-MorningDew/07 THE EGYPTIANS-Suzanne/08 RICK DURHAM & THE DYNAMICS-I Got My Eyes On You/09 COPS & ROBBERS-It's all Over Now baby Blue/10 MUSIC MACHINE-Absolutely Positively/11 MOVING SIDEWALKS-What Are You Going To Do/12 DUTCH MASTERS-The Expectations/13 THE IVY LEAGUE-That's why I'm Crying/14 WHETHER BUREAU-White and Frosty/15 THE CATS MEOW-Confusion/16 THE LOVIN KIND-I'm Free/17 THE TUTLES-You Showed Me/18 FRESHMEN-Make It Wit You
VOLUME 16-01 THE LANCASTERS-Satan's Holiday/02 THE STRANGERS-Mary Mary/03 THE IVY LEAGUE-Tossin and turnin/04 THE GRAY THINGS-Charity/05 THE CHARLTANS-The Shadow Knows/06 THE MYDDLE CLASS-I Happen To Love You/07 ELFSTONE-Louisiana Teardrops/08 6 FEET UNDER-Inspiration In My Head/09 THE SHADES-Ballot Bachs/10 CATHY RICH-Wild THing/11 SPIDER-The Comedown Song/12 LIZ CHRISTIAN-Call My Name/13 DONOVAN-Hurdy Gurdy Man/14 JOHNNY & THE HURRRICANES-Red River Rock/15 JIMMY GILMER & THE FIREBALLS-Sugar Shack/16 HOLLYWOOD ARGYLES-Alley Oop/17 KIM D-Come On baby/18 CHARLATANS "Alabama Bound" LP Promo/19 ORCHESTER HUGO STRASSER-Black magic Woman
VOLUME 17-01 NIEGHB'RHOOD CHILDR'N-Feeling Zero/02 NOBODY'S CHILRN-Good Times/03 NEAL FORD & THE FANATICS-Shame On You/04 THE CORDS-Ghost Rider/05 GALAXIES IV-Don't Lose Your Mind/06 PACK-Harlem Shuffle/07 UNCALLED FOR-Do Like Me/08 YELLOW PAYGES-Jezebel/09 RATIONALS-Leavin Here/10 DRIVING STUPID-Horror Asparagus Stories/11 MIKE LONDON & THE ENGLISHMEN-Gypsy Lady/12 THE HAUNTED-1-2-5/13 PLATO & THE PHILOSPOPHERS-Thirteen O'Clock Flight to Psychedelia/14 THE LEMON DROPS-It Happens Everyday/15 THE HUMAN EXPRESSION-Optical Sound/16 THE KNIGHTS BRIDGE-Make Me Some Love/17 THE BAD SEEDS-A Taste of the Same/18 HEADSTONES-Bad Day Blues/19 THINGIES-I'm Going Ahead/20 THE LIBERTY BELLS-I Can See
VOLUME 18-01 DANTES, EXCEPTIONS, ROVING KIND-At the Chetah WCFL Chicago 267/02 ? & THE MYSTERIANS-Midnight Hour/03 PENTHOUSE 5-You're Gonna Make Me/04 THE HUMAN EXPRESSION-Love At Psychedelic Velocity/05 THE LIVIN END-Makin Time/06 THE WILD THINGS-Tell Me/07 THE EXOTICS-Come With Me/08 SJ & THE CROSSROADS-Darkest Hour/09 BARRETT STRONG-Money/10 GREAT BELEIVERS-Comin Up Fast/11 MOVING SIDEWALKS-Need Me/12 PANDAS-Walk/13 THE BYRDS-It Won't Be Wrong/14 KNICKERBOCKERS-High On Love/15 JOHNNY WINTER-Birds Can't Row Boats/16 BIRDWATCHERS-Girl I Got the News For You/17 HUGO MONTENEGRO & HIS ORCHESTRA-Theme From "The Good The Bad and the Ugly"
VOLUME 19-01 THE VENTURES-The Creeper/02 THE US TOO-The Girl With the Golden Hair/03 KILROY-Lake Orangatanga/04 THE BROOD-Since He's Been Gone/05 THE MISUNDERSTOOD-Children of the Sun/06 THE MOVE-I Can Hear the Grass Grow/07 LES FLEURS DE LYS-Circles/08 THE HIGH SPIRITS-I Believe/09 THE SOUND SYSTEM-Take a Look at Your Self/10 THE HOLLIES-Bus Stop/11 GASOLINE POWERED CLOCK-Forest Fire On Main Street/12 THE THYME-Love To Love/13 THE SUGAR SHOPPE-The Attitude/14 GEORGE BAKER SELECTION-Little Green Bag/15 JOHNNY & THE HURRICANES-Beatnik Fly/16 THE HERD-From the Underworld/17 TONYS DEFENDERS-Yes I Do/18 THE DEEJAYS-In the Minight Hour/19 THE LOOSE ENDS-I Ain't Gonna Eat Out My Heart Anymore/20 THE VENTURESight Walk
VOLUME 20-01 TRAFFIC JAM-I Don't Want You/02 THE DRAG SET-Day and Night/03 THE TORNADOS 66-No More You and Me/04 LORD SUCH-The Cheat/05 HARMONY GRASS-I've Seen to Dream/06THE ELECTRIC FLAG-Groovin Is Easy/07 JOHNNY KIDD & THE PIRATES-Shakin All Over/08 THE ATHENIANS-Louie Louie/09 JACQUELINE TAIEB-7 AM/10 THE FAVOURITE SONS-That Driving Beat/11 PHIL UPCHURCH COMBO-You Can't Sit Down/12 THE ANIMALS-Don't Bring Me Down/13 THE MIKE COTTON SOUND-I Don't Wanna Know/14 PHASE 4-Think U'll Sit Down and Cry/15 THE ECCENTRICS-What You Got/16 THE UNTAMED-I'll Go Crazy/17 THE BATS-You'd Better Beleive It Baby/18 THE HI NUMBERS-Heart of Stone/19 JAMES ROYAL-Work Song
VOLUME 21-01 THE BYRDS-Rose Palce Concert Promo/02 INDEX-Eight Miles High/03 THE ATTACK-Colour of My Mind/04 TINTERN ALLEY-Vacuum Cleaner/05 STATUS QUO-Pictures of Matchstick Men/06 HUMAN INSTINCT-A Day In My Mind's Eye/07 ADAM & EVE-Desert Song/08 RAMASES & SELKERT-Crazy One/09 PENTARD-Silver Dagger/10 THE FENMEN-I've Got Everything You Need Babe/11 KARL STUART & THE PROFILES-Love Of My Eyes/12 REY ANTON & THE PEPPERMINT MEN-Don't Treat Me Bad/13 THE JYNX-Don't Worry What They Say/14 BRIAN HOWARD & THE SILHOUETTES-The Worryin' Kind/15 SOUL AGENTS-Seventh Son/16 LARRY & THE BLUE NOTES-In & Out/17 BRIAN AUGER & THE TRINITY W/ JULIE DRISCOLL-Indian Ropeman/18 WYNDER K FROG-I'm a Man/19 DAVE DAVANI-Tossin and Turnin/20 SHOCK ABSORBERS-It's Your Thing
As you've seen and I've outlined, Haing some trouble with some of the uploads....the links for VOLUMES 1-7 are now up on the first part of the , thanks to DaveWolfsonnnc, the SONIC MAN, and I am working on the links for VOlume 2 right now, they'll be up Monday morning......the third part, the ones Jose wanted to start with, should be up Monday night.....sorry for the delay, just one of those things. Sorry for the mess I've made, Dave give me tomorrow to see if I can sort through my stuff and find Volumes 22-25, if not I may enlist your aid again.....and of course thanks to Ronnie D for creating this very comprehensive and tremendous compilation......sorry for all the glitches, but we are getting there, just a bit slower than i anticpated