A fantastic one today from early 1970's prog-psych
legends Maquina!......hard to find a lot of serious information about them, they operated under Franco's dictatorial reign in Spain, just guessing they were not a favorite of the Generalisimo's. The phemnominal debut "Why?" is a great one, wonderful Hammond-organ driven psych stuff with some fine guitar work as well, from what I read the album in 1970 was considered such a blow against the empire that a rival band (Tapiman) issued an album track called "Don't Ask Why"......nonetheless, this is a total kickass album/period piece.....the nearly 1/2 hour title track is a bit much, but please consider the time /place, and I think we have a monumnetal "fuck you" to a dick weed dictator, always a good thing.....TOTAL period/place piece, but no doubt enjoyalbe, the rest of the album seem to be quite Beatles influenced ("Let Me Born", "Earth's Daughter")......recently listened to this one with some friends, the opinions were WIDELY divergent, (ie some love it, some hate it, what ya gonna do?).....I recommend it highly, not a "classic" by any means. but a good album and VERY indicative of a VERY specific place and time in the history of this planet we call earth.
The follow up "En Directo" is not really as good, in my opinion, a jazzier, more prog, less rock-prog rock, not bad but not the work the debut is.......the highlight is perhaps the long "Chains", but this is far less rocking than the debut......so, basically, if you like it, fine, if you only want one as a sampler, no contest , go for "Why?"
Kinda hard to get much information about these hombres, but the albums ARE enjoyable (Even the second one should you be in the right frame of mind)......."Why?" though, is a sort of "semi-classic", which comes highly recommended ny your uncle. If you do not consider ME the "king of absolute variety", just what DO you consider me? (Actually, never mind, fuck it!)
WHY-01 I Beleive/02 Why/03 Why (continued)/04 Let Me Born/05 Earth's Daughter/06 Look AwayOur Happiness
EN DIRECTO-01 Could That Time/02 All Right Under the Rain/03 Chains/4 Sunrise Horse/05 Wild Side of Life/06 Time Is Over/07 Blues En F/08 Look Away Our Happiness/09 Sonata/10 I Can Only Fly But Very Well
Enjoy this, get caught up, myself and the lovely Mrs BigScott62 (BigCarla66) are going to take a couple of days to cash in the casino comps, win big at the tables, and enjoy a little bit of that hard-core adult lovin' time now that BigGrant97's basketball season is over.....take it light for a day or two and likely I'll see everyone this weekend, refreshed by my huge winnings at the blackjack table, and with lots more fab rock n roll to share with everyone.......all have a good Wed/Thur and I'll try to get another post up Friday......hope ya can stand the absence!
legends Maquina!......hard to find a lot of serious information about them, they operated under Franco's dictatorial reign in Spain, just guessing they were not a favorite of the Generalisimo's. The phemnominal debut "Why?" is a great one, wonderful Hammond-organ driven psych stuff with some fine guitar work as well, from what I read the album in 1970 was considered such a blow against the empire that a rival band (Tapiman) issued an album track called "Don't Ask Why"......nonetheless, this is a total kickass album/period piece.....the nearly 1/2 hour title track is a bit much, but please consider the time /place, and I think we have a monumnetal "fuck you" to a dick weed dictator, always a good thing.....TOTAL period/place piece, but no doubt enjoyalbe, the rest of the album seem to be quite Beatles influenced ("Let Me Born", "Earth's Daughter")......recently listened to this one with some friends, the opinions were WIDELY divergent, (ie some love it, some hate it, what ya gonna do?).....I recommend it highly, not a "classic" by any means. but a good album and VERY indicative of a VERY specific place and time in the history of this planet we call earth.
The follow up "En Directo" is not really as good, in my opinion, a jazzier, more prog, less rock-prog rock, not bad but not the work the debut is.......the highlight is perhaps the long "Chains", but this is far less rocking than the debut......so, basically, if you like it, fine, if you only want one as a sampler, no contest , go for "Why?"
WHY-01 I Beleive/02 Why/03 Why (continued)/04 Let Me Born/05 Earth's Daughter/06 Look AwayOur Happiness
EN DIRECTO-01 Could That Time/02 All Right Under the Rain/03 Chains/4 Sunrise Horse/05 Wild Side of Life/06 Time Is Over/07 Blues En F/08 Look Away Our Happiness/09 Sonata/10 I Can Only Fly But Very Well
Enjoy this, get caught up, myself and the lovely Mrs BigScott62 (BigCarla66) are going to take a couple of days to cash in the casino comps, win big at the tables, and enjoy a little bit of that hard-core adult lovin' time now that BigGrant97's basketball season is over.....take it light for a day or two and likely I'll see everyone this weekend, refreshed by my huge winnings at the blackjack table, and with lots more fab rock n roll to share with everyone.......all have a good Wed/Thur and I'll try to get another post up Friday......hope ya can stand the absence!