So here is the skinny....I'm still dicking around with getting those Juliana Theory links up, two more t go......then I will probably vanish for a days, working behind the scenes to get the damn Pavement links workable......once they are, there will be a shiny-new "The Best Pavement Post, Ever"in front of your eyes, and you WON'T have to wait for the links, they will be RIGHT THERE at that time (you know, like how it works on most every other blog out there, the "correct way" of doing it.
Late breaking......just watched as Zippyshare "ate" the Juliana Theory's "Love" album, so guess doing them one at a time is NOT the solution. I wish someone who used Zippyshare would tell me what I am doirong, it must be SOMETHING, when the links are succefully uplaoded, the indicator oes to 100%, then the link appears directly below (also under "my acount")....when the links vanish, like this one, the indicator goes to 100%, and then......NOTHING.....it's gone, it's not under "my account" or anywhere else......I am perplexed, it's been like this since I started using Zippyshare, but it has gotten SO much worse of late that I just don' know what to do about it. I hope this solution is amicable, I look forward to the mega-Pavement post and I'm sure others do as well....but God only knows how long it will take me to get the links prepared, so I guess it will be up there when it gets up there, (that is, if I EVER get the Juliana Theory links completed).......
And that, my friends, is THAT......I can't think of anything ELSE to do......obviously can't use Mediafire anymore......that does YOU guys no good. GOTTA use Zippy, I guess, unless someone knows of another FREE service that I can use....otherwise, don't forget about me, I'll still be around,creating mega-posts for your enjoyment, cursing the computer when Zippy swallows another link, and trying over and over and over to get these damn things to work. Please understand, I don't WANT to cut back on my "work load", just don't see any choice. Hope its OK with everybody, I just REALLY want to continue the big "mega-post" format for the most part, and I DON'T want you guys waiting days and days for the links after you read the post. Not fair to YOU guys.
And, again, if anyone knows ANYTHING, any suggestions for making Zippyshare more functional, I am ALL EARS. So thanks for reading, thanks for the comments, thanks for downlaoding, and thank YOU Drew Barrymore, and you know, JUST for "being you".......see ya when I get the Pavement links working, I hope you enjoy it, I think it will be one of the best posts ever, maybe not as epic as "Garage Greats", but maybe on the "Sleater Kinney" level.