Well,this should be the next-to-last installment of the very popular "Garage Fuzz" torrent......it's got some
incredible shit on it, glad I posted it again in a more manageable format......and don't forget, I'll post part 22, which will finish up the alphabet......but then, we will have another large torrent, "Son of Garage Fuzz", on which I am currently prepping to remove the overlap tracks. Nugget-rock is damn popular on here, and it is damn fine with me as well.....the incredible
simplicity combined with the wanna-be professional hard rock groove......hey, great shit and that is why we all love it. Enjoy letter "W", I'll try to maybe finish this tomorrow and after a few days begin the "Son of" series.......hope ya like it!
VOLUME 21-01 WAILERS-Hang Up/02 WALKING FLOUR-Hootchie Cootchie Man/03 WANDERERS-Higher Education/04 WANDERER'S REST-Anytime Anywhere/05 WANDERER'S REST-In Good Time/06 WANTED-Sad Situation/07 WARNER BROTHERS-Dirty Ernie/08 WATERS-Mother Samuel/09 WAYNE GIBSON & THE DYNAMICS-Baby Baby Baby Pity Me/10 WE THE PEOPLE-He Doesn't Go About It Right/11 WEST COACH BUNCH-Colors of My Life/12 WHAT'S NEW-Up So High/13 WHATT FOUR-Our Love Should last Forever/14 WHATT FOUR-You're Wishin' I Was Someone Else/15 WHITE LIGHTNING-Under the Screaming Double Eagle/16
WHITE TRASH-Illusions/17 WHY FOUR-Hard Life/18 WIG-Crackin Up/19 WILD THINGS-Tell Me/20 WILD VYBRASHONS-One Track Mind/21 WILLIAM PENN FYVE-Swami/22 WIMPLE
WINCH-Atmospheres/23 WIMPLE WINCH-Rumble On Mersey Square South/24 WREC-A-MENDED-Dirty Old Man/25 WYLDE MANIACS-Not the One For Me