COOL?" Butthead: "Yeah, If you go to Seattle, everybody that you see is COOL!").......uh, well, maybe, but these discs from Night Beats are cool as fuck.......handaful of EP's and an album or two, I'm listening right now and thinking maybe sort of like Screaming Trees perhaps.....pretty good stuff, if you like our normal posts, chances are you may like this one........good stuff here, and thanks to John N for the links, these rock.
2010 H BOMB EP-01 H Bomb/02 Shadows in the Night/03 They Came In Through the Window/04 Stampede

2013-SONIC BLOOM-01 Love Ain't Strange (Everything Else Is)/02 Sonic Bloom/03 Playing Dead/04 Outta Mind/05 Real Change/06 Satisfy Your Mind/07 Catch a Ride to Sonic Bloom/08 The Seven Poison Wonders/09 As You Want/10 The Hidden Circle/11 Rat King/12 At the Gates/13 The New World
2013-UFO CLUB/NIGHT BEATS SPLIT EP-01 (TRACKS 1-4 UFO CLUB)-01 My Love Is Waiting/02 Chapel In My Mind/03 Wolfman/04 Be My Baby/ (TRACKS 5-8 NIGHT BEATS) 05 Hex/06 A Night With Nefertiti/07 Drowning In the Nile/08 18 Glowing Phantoms

Cops/05 Porque ManIfana/06 Sunday Mourning/07 Shangri La/08 Burn to Breathe/09 bad Love/10 Last Train to Jordan/11 Turn the Lights/12 Egypt Berry
This was a real surprise, ALL of this is great, the new album in particular, as it reflects "that sound" of which I consider rock n roll in 2017.....I'vae described it before, but this album is perhaps a future classic of the genre!