Since Emile de Ravin was so good to me last night, I feel compelled to put up a little more from her
native Australia....I actually started to put up the four disc "Before Birdmen Flew", but there is 75% or more overlap with the previous day's "Ugly Things", so I'm not going to do it, in order to keep things fresh. I have instead, here, a single comp (still a TINY bit of overlap but not nearly as much as with the other set)....This one called "Peculiar Hole In the Sky: Aussie Pop-Psych & Garage-Psych".....if you REALLY WANT "Before Birdmen Flew", let me know, and maybe we'll do it, but me and Emile simply think there is too much overlap......and who am I t argue with her and her riding crop?
So THIS set, while, as I said, does contain overlap (Inside Looking Out, Jeff St John & Id, Wild Cherries), there's also some new obscurities such as 1863 Establishment, Cam-Pact,Iguana, and more......I guess that "Ugly Things" and the "Birdmen" sets were so comprenesive that there wasn't a whole lot of stones left unturned.
What I'm also gonna do here, since I had planned on four discs and I have but
one, is I am gonna put up 2 discs of "Wild Things " (a companion piece to "Ugly Things", which focusses on New Zealand rather than Ozz, so we pretty much wrap the world down under. Some overlap with THOSE sets and "Ugly Things" as well, but after all this, you should all have a VERY comprehensive picture of the Aussie/Kiwi sound of the mid 1960's........enjoy and comment please. Any country of interest to you? Got many of em.......let's see where we can go from here!
PECULIAR HOLE IN THE SKY: AUSSIE POP-PSYCH & GARAGE PSYCH:01 VALENTINES-Peculiar Hole In the Sky/02 IGUANA-Imagine This/03 JAMES TAYLOR MOVE-Still I Can Go On/04 BUCKET-I Can't Help Thinking Of You/05 NORMIE ROWE-Going Home/06 PETER WRIGHT-House of Bamboo/07 1863 ESTABLISHMENT-Gained For a Fall/08 CLAPHAM JUNCTION-Emily on Sunday/09 KING FOX-Unforgotten Dreams/10 INSIDE LOOKING OUT-Long Live Sivinada/11 HUGO-Girl In the Garden/12 EXECUTIVES-Moving In a Circle/13 JEFF ST JOHN & THE ID-Eastern Dream/14 CAM-PACT-Zoom Zoom Zoom/15 PROCLOMATION-King of the Mountain/16 JON-Upstairs Downstairs/17 WILD CHERRIES-Krom Plated Yabby/18 JAMES TAYLOR MOVE-Magic Eyes/19 LLOYDS WORLD-Brass Bird/20 R BLACK & ROCKIN V'S-Walking and Talking/21 DAVE MILLER SET-Mr Guy Fawkes/22 1863 ESTABLISHMENT-Picture of a Girl/23 ESCORTS-Sitting By a Tree/24 INSIDE LOOKING OUT-Morning Sun/25 CAM-PACT-Drawing Room/26
HUGO-Hey! Watch Out!/27 MARTY RHONE-Tell Me Love
Stand In My Way/02 THE LA DE DA'S-How is the Air Up There?/03 THE SMOKE-No More Now/04 SANDY EDMONDS-Come See Me/05 CRESENDOS-Now She's Mine/06THE ACTION-I Can't Make a Friend/07 TOM THUMB-You're Gonna Miss Me/08 TOM THUMB-I Need You/09 THE BLUESTARS-Social End Product/10 THE CHALLENGE-The Crunch/11 THE PRINCIPALS-I Can't Stop/12 THE PLEAZERS-Hurtin All Over/13 CHANTS R&B-I Want Her/14 CHANTS R&B-I'm Your Witchdoctor/15 CHANTS R&B-Neighbour, Neighbour/16 TOMORROW'S LOVE-7 And 7 Is
WILD THINGS VOLME 2-WYLD KIWI GARAGE 1966-69-01 THE PLEAZERS-Security/02 THE RAYDERS-Working Man/03 THE FOUR FOURS-Go Go/04 THE FOUR FOURS-One Track Mind/05 THE ACTION-Day By Day/06 THE SPECTRES-Anything You Like/07 THE GREMLINS-Never You Mind/08 THE GREMLINS-Listen To Me/09 THE CHICKS-Rebel Kind/10 THE CLEVEDONAIRES-He's Ready/11 THE TUNESPINNERS-You Were Born For Me/12 THE PRINCIPALS-Woman/13 JAY EPAE-The Creep/14 RAY COLUMBUS-We Want a Beat/15 LARRYS REBELS-Painter Man/16
Still SOME overlap, sorry, more than I'd prefer......we'll head elsewhere tomorrow, I promise!