Sixties", this is really all I can come up with as a stand-alone disc, rather than part of a greater series.....as such, too there is a good bit of overlap, but I found it while cleaning off a s, and might as well throw it up there (I LOVE Florida! Best vacations EVER at the Don Ceasar Hotel in St. Petersburg/Tampa.......simply awesome!)
Anyways thset features the Tasmanians, whom we know, The Palace Guards, who we know, and the Mods, who I think we know but there were so many bands sharing that moniker it's hard to say. We also get some Mark Markham & the Jesters, Plastic Blues Band, and Tulu Babies....the construction of the set leads me to thing that it is a series of singles, A-sides and B-Sides as each band is neatly represented two tracks, each placed back to back on the album......if so, hats off to someone for some sensible album construction for just this once!

Downtown/15 THE SHY GUYS-Black Lightening Light/16 THE SHY GUYS-Goodbye to You
Links be whenebbah dey be up!