were fairly popular and there is very little overlap with this one, so lets add it on.....bands from New Hampshire, New Jersey, Massachuesetts, Connecticut, Maine and Rhode Island make for a nice cross section of the region.
The disc in question here is "Relative Distance, A Compilation of New England Garage Bands".....just one disc today becuase I am in a bit of a hurry, but you should think of this as something of a "companion piece" to those earlier New England (and Bay State) sets.....so what we got here?

Until Tomorrow.....
01 THE WHAT-Escape/02 BOBBY & THE
FARRARIS-In the Morning/03 BUCK ROGERS MOVEMENT-Baby Come On/04 THE MAR-VELS-Some One Else/05 SATANS BREED-Lugh Myself to the Grave/06 MICKY & THE MOTIONS-I Do/07 GEORGIE PORGIE-No More School/08 THE ASCOTS-Where I'm Goin'/09 GROUNDSPEED-In a Dream/10 THE ROYAL AIRCOACH-Wondering Why/11 THE 5:PM-How Many Days/12 THE EASTERN ALLIANCE-Love Fades Away/13 THE INSTINCTS-No No No/14 DRY WELL-Gypsy/15 THE FUMIN' HUMANS-Relative Distance