This band from Portland Oregon takes time to send us a copy of their latest release, "Today Isn't Any Other Day Ya Know".....I did listen to a bit of it today, fairly good, they describe themselves as "fusion for people that hate fusion", I guess that's fair is all of their info, might as well check them out......thanks to ALL bands that send music to the blog, you "get" what it's about, NO SMALL THING.
Hello. The Vardaman Ensemble from Portland, OR, are releasing their second album titled Today Isn't Any Other Day Ya Know via their bandcamp page. Here is the one sheet for the album. If you'd like any otherINFORMATION
about the album, please feel free to write and let us know.
If you'd like to review or share the album, we would be honored. If not, no problem.
Fusion for people who hate fusion.
RIYL: The Boredoms, Boris
Hello. The Vardaman Ensemble from Portland, OR, are releasing their second album titled Today Isn't Any Other Day Ya Know via their bandcamp page. Here is the one sheet for the album. If you'd like any otherINFORMATION

If you'd like to review or share the album, we would be honored. If not, no problem.
Take care and keep up the great work.