slip in amongst all the Electric Orange.....this is pretty cool, "Eat to the Beat, The Dirtiest of Them Dirty Blues".......this is a fantastic collection, damn near essential I would say......I hadn't heard about half of these tracks before, but they are ALL fucking great.......look here ya get great shit from Dinah Washington and Screamin' Jay Hawkins for example, but just peruse this track list for a moment.....YOU WANT THIS, trust me, this is a phenominal submission, and if you check it out (and you need to) be sure and direct your thanks to John N, this is a great one.
1. I Want a Man (Who's Gonna Do Right) - ANNISTEEN ALLEN
2. Mother Fuyer - DIRTY RED
3. Long John Blues - DINAH WASHINGTON
4. Fishin' Pole - TOM ARCHIA
5. Weddin' Day Blues - COUSIN JOE
6. Hard Driving Blues - AMOS MILBURN
7. Move Your Hand, Baby - CROWN PRINCE WATERFORD
8. Don't Come Too Soon - JULIA LEE & HER BOYFRIENDS
9. I Like My Baby's Pudding - WYNONIE HARRIS
10. Sixty Minute Man - THE DOMINOES
11. Big Ten-inch Record - BULLMOOSE JACKSON
12. Rotten Cocksucker's Ball - THE CLOVERS
14. Poon-Tang! - THE TRENIERS
15. The Walkin' Blues - JESSE POWELL
16. Laundromat Blues - '5' ROYALS & CHARLIE FERGUSON
17. Keep On Churnin' - WYNONIE HARRIS
18. Big Long Slidin' Thing - DINAH WASHINGTON
19. Don't Fuck Around With Love - THE BLENDERS
20. Drill Daddy Drill - DOROTHY ELLIS
21. Work With Me, Annie - THE ROYALS
22. (I Love To Play Your Piano) Let Me Bang... - THE TOPPERS
23. Think Twice (Version X) - JACKIE WILSON & LAVERN BAKER
24. Hard Driving Blues - SNATCH & THE POONTANGS
25. Stoop Down Baby - CHICK WILLIS
26. L.A. Women Love Uncle Bud - BOOZOO CHAVIS
28. Somebody Else Was Suckin' My Dick Last Night - FRED WOLFF COMBO