of which you will get in the next couple of days, but, in the wake of starting the new job and such, I thought it might be semi-important that I compose something of my own, rather than allow this blog to be "taken over' (as great as they are) by the guest posters....
OK.....as I said, I'm just starting a new job....as such the blog takes something of a back burner, but not TOO much, I STILL do love you all, and will Not stop doing what I do.....I love to share MY music with the world, and also the music my FRIENDS have, with the world......I am just slowing down a TOUCH, as I DSO need to concentrate my efforts on the new job, just a BIT, I am SURE you understand, but also make sure you know this: BigScott62 is going NOWHERE......I may post less frequently, my format might change a tiny bit, but I LOVE MY FOLLOWERS and will (I SWEAR) NEVER abandon you.......in the next few weeks you will see, I have a couplem "mega-posts" in the works, but as for tonight, let me throw out to you a couple of random albums that you may not alread have in your stash..........I'm here for THAT reason too, ya know, I could be for another ten years and NEVER share ALL of the stuff I hve on CD with ya......that ain't the point........I love me some rock n roll, in ALL it's forms, and I try my damndest to share a bit of this and of a dab of that with YOU......so, with a long weekend ahead of us (I can do a thing or two with THAT), let me present a couple of teasers for ya, a few albums that ya mmay not have heard before that I can share with ya.......and if ya by some chance liked that Yo La Tengo mega-post, stick around, I have a few more of those MEGA things in the works, and I'd hate for ya to miss em.....the bottom line is I gotta get that kid o mne through college, thus;y, I gotta go back to work, but I DO love doing this here thing, and if you are with me, great, if not, sorry........here's what I have for ya tonight, selected purely at random:

OK, I pondered it and figured it was about I unleashed all of my classic STRANGLERS shit on ya......a favorite of mine? well in a way, yes, as they remind my a lot of the Doors and MUCH MORE SPECIFICALLY, Sean Boniwell's Music Machine, who were about 30 years ahead of thier time, and, YES, I am saying the Stranglers were as well.......great band, GREAT band, I have a lota material here, might take me the better part of the week to get it all to ya, but TRUST ME it will be worth it......this band had it all.......they rocked like a mofo, they were offensive as fuck ( a GOOD thing, check "Peaches on the Beaches' or "Bring on the Nublies") and their amazing musical struture that recalled both the aforementioned Doors and Music Machone are NOTHING to be ashamed of, trust me........I have a LOT of this stuff, if you have anything to contribute, RIGHT NOW is the time, as we all know this is one of the best bands the Lord ever placed on the planet for our pleasure!

easiest way to do it for the novices in the crowd........(for you newbs, if you only one ONE, please sample "IV Norvegicus Natticus", that would be my personal opinion, leastways.....
NO MORE HEROES (1977)-01 I feel Like a Wog/02 Bitching/03 Dead Ringer/04 Dagenham Dave/05 Bring On the Nubliels/06 Something Better Change/07 No More Heroes/08 Peasant in the Big Shitty/09 Burning Up TIme/10 English Towns/11 School Mam/12 Straighten Out/13 Five Minutes/14 Rok it to the Moon
IV RATTUS NORVEGICUS (1977)-01 Sometimes.02 Goodbye Tolouse/03 London Lady/04 Princess of the Streets/05 Hanging Around/06 Peaches/07 (Get a) Grip (On Yourself)/08 Ugly/09 Down In the sewer/10 Choosey Susie/11 Go Buddy Go/12 Peasant in the Big Shitty (Live)
BLACK AND WHITE (1978)-01 Tank/02 Nice N Sleazy/03Hey! (Rise of the Robots)/04 Outside Tokyo/05 Sweden (All Quiet on the Estern Front)/06 Toiler on the Sea/07 Curfew/08 Threatened/09 In the Shadows/10 Do You Wanna/11 Death and Night and Blood (Yukio)/12 Enough Time/13 Mean to Me/14 Walk On By/15 Shut Up/16 Sveridge/17 Old Codger/18 Tits
THE RAVEN (1979)-01 Longships/02 The Raven/03 Dead Loss Angeles/04 Ice/05 Baroque Bordello/06 Neuclear Device/07 Shah Shah a Go Go/08 Don't Bring Harry/09 Duchess/10 Meniniblack/11 Genetix/12 Bear Cage/13 Fools Rush Out/14 E'emmenes Pas Harry/15 Yellowcake UFO
THE CHRONICLES OF VLADIMIR (1980)-01 Vladimir and Olga/02 Vladimir and Sergei/03 Vladmimir and the Beast )Part III)/04 Vladimir Goes to Havannah/05 Viva Vlad!/06 Vladimir and the Pearl

are changing........these are five GREAT alums, (especially "Rattus" and "Heroes"), but this was one underappreciated band, and i aim to spend the rest of the week tributing them and ALL of thier great stuff I have.......PLEASE let me know how you feel about this retro-greatness, I love these albums (always did), if you do/did too, al least give a shout out, if they are new to ya, well, you DO have some catching up to do, BUT, in either case, I'll just say this......this was a great band......not "good" , GREAT.......for a variety of reasons they are not remembered that well today, but TRUST ME they were great, as we will both spending the rest of the week reminiscing over their greatness.....but, trust me, THESE albums, newb, are too great for MY commentary.
If you are a Strtanglers fan, pay attention the next week or so, I'll post when I can pst, but i DO have a ton of thier fantasticv music.....this goes for you as well if they are new to ya......they were a great band, always willing to take a chance, ominous, creepy, but always rocking........I have a LOT of thier stuff, and this post will reach Yo La Tengo-ish proportions.....NOTHING wrong with that IMO, as this was on of the great (and SERIOUSLY underappreciated) bands of the important era......it was an incredibly IMPORTANT era, and the Stranglers would hve been mega-stars (well MAYBE) at nearly any other point in history.......anyway, yourself for a BUNCH of thier work, coz i happen to have a BUNC!