the indie bands of the 80's-90's-00's.......and we are FAR from finished......hopefully I can finish up the regular studio releases here, and on we'll go into the rest of the plethora of material I have from this kick-ass band.
I think we left off with the oddball underwater soundtrack "The Sounds of the Sounds of Science" (2001), so next on the agenda I guess we have 2003's "Summer Sun".....I consider it thier weakeset effort thusfar, although far from worthless......Georgia Hubley's mother had just passed away, and you can feel the pain and loss on the labum, completely like any other Yo La Tengo disc.....it does have it's moments, of course, but I'd give it two stars, a DAMN low rating for this band. understandable as death certainly does things like this to all of us, but not a favorite of mine.
They most certainly had a comeback in them however. 2006's "I am Not Afraid of You And I Will Beat Your Ass" is one of my faves, one of the best albums of that years, and contains perhaps my very favorite Yo La Tengo track, "Pass the Hatchet, I Think I'm Goodkind", a marvelous long freakish guitar workout..... (it also contains "The Story of Yo La Tango" (yes tAngo!), another long slammer jammer......there is more great shit like "Mr Tough" and "Dapnia", a wonderful comeback LP and one NOT to be missed. Great album.
Thier next "proper" release was "Popular Songs", 2009.......while hardly up to the standard of "I am Not Afraid of You....", there are some good tracks here, this is a band with a seemingly inexhaistible supply of material......."Avalon or Someone Very Similar", "The Fireside", and "And the Glitter is Gone" all remind of classic YLT........it's a decent album........if it were MY rock n roll Hall of Fame they'd walk in tomorrow, they have given us three times the great rock n roll that many bands in there have (hi Rush).
I think that 2013's "Fade" is their latest regular release.......once again, not the greatest, but certainly not something that Kansas would kick out of bed......this album comes in several different editions, with lost of different gimmicks included, the one I have here is but the standard release, sorry.....the coupling of "ohm" and "Is That Enough" are the highlights from here, myself I was just glad we were still getting fresh material from Yo La Tengo in 2013.
As far as I can tell I got all the studio "regular" releases.......there is a LOT more stuff to go, take me at my word.......the next post we will start on some comps and stuff, and this is MORE great stuff, trust me (MIGHT even have a WOXY lounge act, have to check)......anyway, LOTS more to come, LOTS, so stay tuned.

the Shark/05 Today Is the Day/06 Tiny Birds/07 How To Make a baby Elephant Float/08 Georgia vs. Yo La Tengo/09 Don't Have to Be So Sad/10 Winter A Go-Go/11 Moonrock Mambo/12 Let's be Still/13 Take Care
I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOU AND I WILL BEAT YOUR ASS-01 Pass Me the Hatchet, I THink I'm Goodkind/02 Beanbag Chair/03 I Feel Like Going Home/04 Mr Tough/05 Black Flowers/06 The Race Is On Again/07 The Room Got Heavy/08 Sometimes I Don't Get You/09 Daphnia/10 I Should Have Known Better/11 Watch Out For Me Ronnie/12 The Weakest Part/13 Song For Mahalia/14 Point and Shoot/15 The Story of Yo La Tango
POPULAR SONGS-01 Here To Fail/02 Avalon or Someone Very Similar/03 By Two's/04 Nothing To Hide/05 Periodically Double or TRiple/06 If It's True/07 I'm On My Way/08 When It's Dark/09 All Your Secrets/10 More Stars Than There Are In Heaven/11 The Fireside/12 And the Glitter is Gone
FADE-01 Ohm/02 Is That Enough/03 Well You Better/04 Paddle Forward/05 Stupid THings/06 I'll Be Around/07 Cornelia and Jane/08 Two Trains/09 The Point of It/10 Before We Run
Dont think this is close to finished though.......there is so much more material here it will make your head spin!