This is an absolutely brilliant statement about the diffiuclties of marriage and of love, but to describe it in such terms is to underrate it tremendously.......I am NOT a fan, in particular, of Richard's previous work, making it all the more stunning that this album would EASILLY rank as one of my top 20 releases, ever, by anyone.
What, really, can I say? The songwriting is brilliant.....Richards guitar work is beyond incredible, as are Linda's vocals....."Walking on a Wire", "The Back Street Slide", the title track, "Did She Jump or Was She Pushed?", and, in particular for me, "The Wall of Death" are stone cold classics, not exactly "rock n roll" classics, but classics of MUSIC, among the greatest ever recorded....you'll have to just pop this on and listen to it when you get the chance, this is an album I place with "Forever Changes", "Nevermind", "The Clash", "Blonde on Blonde"...........are you getting the idea? This is an INCREDIBLE, brilliant album, even though outside my realm of general listenership, I still fined it amazing on each aned EVERY single listen.....what more can I say? Hurry up before you die without hearing this piece of brilliance.

SHOOT OUT THE LIGHTS-01 Don't Renege On Our Love/02 Walking on a Wire/03 man In Need/04 Just the Motion/05 Shoot Out the Lights/06 Back Street Slide/07 Did She Jump Or Was She Pushed?/08 Wall of Death/09 Living In Luxury (bonus track)
This is one of the greatest albums ever recorded, please do not show it disrespect......sometimes I put up shit for us to laugh at, The Shaggs or Nimoy, or whatever, this is the opposite end of the spectrum......you guys know that the Big Guy has around 200000 CD's, right? Well, this is without question on of my ten favorites......does that intrigue you? It's not a "rocker", but it's just so fucking BRILLIANT that I can't imagine not naming it as one of my VERY favorites