enjoy (I do on occasion), these are bluegrass versions of Led Zeppelin classics.........what more needs to be said/ Zeppelin was one of "those "bands" that could be interperetted by MANY bands and styles, and the proof is not doubt in the pudding here,,,,,,this is a fine album, one I am proude to have on my shelf.......I am a hater of standard country music, but BLUEGRASS? Now, that shit can rock it and rock it and rock it hard, and who beter to incorporate than Zep? Please try this one out and gimme a comment, this is one that may surprise you, you may REALLY enjoy this one the way I do on occasion, at least!

totally.......it's GREAT, gives a TOTAL new viewpoint to some of the classic Zeppelin material.........a fantastic album, I PROMISE YOU.....PLEASE TAKE MY WORD TO YOUR LOCAL BANK, this is a FANTASTIC release that works wonderfully