Awful in every way imaginable, this is something you HAVE TO experience rather than just be told about. I know a few misguided souls who consider this garbage to be some sort of "masterpiece of minimalism" or some such, fact is, it is simply an album so awful, that like the films "Plan Nine From Outer Space" or "I Spit on Your Grave", this takes on a legend of it's own, so unique is it in its awfulness.

Debra Rae Cohen, writing in Rollings Stone, referred to the band sounding like "a lobotomized Trapp Family Singers", which is much more accurate, Chris Connelly in the same publication states that it "may be, without exaggeration, be the worst album ever recorded."......and I concur. The guitar work could be replicated by grade school children taking perhaps their second lesson, the drummer seems oblivious to the material that the rest of the "band" seems to be playing, the lyrics......oh, my the lyrics......only thing worse could possibly be the vocals, if you can sit through this whole thing you should be eligible for some sort of award, just sitting through the staggering "My Pal Foot Foot" is jaw-dropping enough.

Care to take a chance? Come on, you can do this........full report, I DARE one of ya to try to psuedo-Kurt Cobain-hip and declare that you somehow "like" this in a non-camp way.......if so, I REALLY want the address of your dealer.
THE COMPLETE SHAGGS-01 Philosophy of the World/02 That Little Sports Car/03 Who Are the parents/04 My Pal Foot Foot/05 My Companion/06 I'm So Happy When You're Near/07 Things I Wonder/08 Sweet Thing/09 It's Halloween/10 Why Do I Feel?/11 What Should I Do/12 We Have a Savior/13 Who Are the Parents (demo)/14 You're Somethin' Special to Me/15 Wheels/16 Paper Roses/17 Shagg's Own Thing/18 Painful Memories/19 Gimme Dat Ding/20 My Cutie/21 Yesterday Once More/22 My Pal Foot Foot/23 I Love/24 Shagg's Own Thing (Vocal Version) /25 Love at First Sight
Enjoy this one my children