nearly at the end of the Greek Punk series, (although even HE doesn't know I have a Panx Romana discography I want him to help me with as well), he has began constructing an encyclopedia of various 60's-70's rock bands that have been disbanded.....I think it's an intriguiug idea, should be fun and educational both......he's attempting to do this in alphabetical order, so his first entry has a handful of bands that start with "A", if the band is of interest to you click the link for a Wikipedia history of that band, he's also provided some zippy links to access the music of these bands....a REALLY nice project, so far, and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it if a few of the minions would stand up and volunteer to help him with this huge undertaking....it CAN be done but we will need some help with this, PLEASE consider what he is trying to do, and (attention all you guys who want old links reupped but don't want to contribute anything, this would be a fine way to earn a couple points in the Bigman's eyes)please please volunteer to help, it won't be a LOT of work, and it will be fun. .....I really like this idea, actually, I'm going to try and help him as much as I can, but if any of you wish to but in a little serious time to help him bring this project into focus, let me know and I will put you in touch with my great friend/collaborator Apantabapanta.........so, without further ado, here is the first installment of Apantabapanta's "Encyclopedia of Disbanded Rock Bands":
A bunch of best of collections of mostly 70’s & some 60’s bands that have been disbanded, in alphabetical order.
A Flock of Seagulls UK The Best of A Flock of Seagulls 1986 @320
A Foot in Coldwater CAN The Best of 2003 @220VBR

(missing no 12 ”Believe in Music.” If someone has it, please post.)
Abstract Truth SA Cool Sounds for Heads 1970 vinyl @143VBR (first time on the net. If someone has a better album art please post.)
Accolade UK 1 & 2 Highlights 1972 @192 not really a best of, but a collection highlights of bands only two albums.
a) The idea is to know the music of the bands all around the world that their music style is close to – Pop / Rock-Folk / Rock-New / Wave-Punk / Rock-Hard / Rock-Prog / Rock-
b) I’ll try to post 5 bands every week.
c) Some bands have been reformed for example -A Flock of Seagulls- .
d) If anyone like this idea and have something to post I think BigScott62 will agree.
e) Volunteers needed for finding & posting bands starting from letter ‘’B’’.
a) The idea is to know the music of the bands all around the world that their music style is close to – Pop / Rock-Folk / Rock-New / Wave-Punk / Rock-Hard / Rock-Prog / Rock-
b) I’ll try to post 5 bands every week.
c) Some bands have been reformed for example -A Flock of Seagulls- .
d) If anyone like this idea and have something to post I think BigScott62 will agree.
e) Volunteers needed for finding & posting bands starting from letter ‘’B’’.
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Ace UK
Acqua Fragile ITA
Adam & the Ants UK
After Tea NET
After The Fire UK
Ace UK
Acqua Fragile ITA
Adam & the Ants UK
After Tea NET
After The Fire UK
I hope as many as possible contribute a few minutes of thier time to help out Apantabapanta with this most interesting project, but I guarentee he WILL neeed some help with it.......again, it sounds like quite an opportunity for the many, many, many folks that want years-old links reupped (my policy is that you must do something to help the blog FIRST before i will reup anything)....in fact that is how Apantabapanta joined the team, by translating Greek albums for me.......please help him out
I hope as many as possible contribute a few minutes of thier time to help out Apantabapanta with this most interesting project, but I guarentee he WILL neeed some help with it.......again, it sounds like quite an opportunity for the many, many, many folks that want years-old links reupped (my policy is that you must do something to help the blog FIRST before i will reup anything)....in fact that is how Apantabapanta joined the team, by translating Greek albums for me.......please help him out