spot/weakness.....hell I've talked about this many times before, it's something that I love to death, just a unique, high energy, balls-out genre of rock n roll........I love this stuff, by now you will know if you do as well.....no need to run down the highlights, you know these names, some of these tracks, and the ones you don't know are treasure-chest material for you instro-surf fans as well, right? Here are two volumes, eat em up......a comment or three might be appreciated!
VOLUME 1-01 THE SURFTONES-Cecilia Ann/02 THE HUSTLERS-Inertia!/03 THE RUMBLERS-Surf Rat/04 THE BLAZERS-Bangalore/05 THE NEVGANS-Surfbound/06 THE RUMBLERS-Boss/07 THE REVELS-Church Key/08 THE REVEL-Intoxica/09 THE PASTEL SIX-Twitchin'/10 THE RUMBLERS-Night Scene/11 THE NEVEGANS-Downey Surf/12 THE RAMBLERS-Hanging One/13 THE REVELS-Comanche/14 THE RUMBLERS-It's a gas/15 THE CHEVELLES-Let There Be Surf/16 THE BLAZERS-Beaver Patrol/17 THE PASTEL SIX-Hot Dogger/18 THE RUMBLERS-Destruction/19 THE REVELS-Revillion/20 THE RUMBLERS-Summertime Blues/21 THE PASTEL SIX-Don't Leave Me/22 THE BLAZERS-Sound of MEcca/23 THE PASTEL SIX-Braham's Nightmare/24 THE RAMBLERS-Mozart Stomp/25 THE RUMBLERS-Slippin'/26 THE HUSTLERS-Inertia!
VOLUME 2-01 THE ASTRONAUTS-Baja/02 THE TORNADOES-Bustin' Surfboards/03 THE TORNADOES-Charge of the Tornadoes/04 THE TORNADOES-The Phantom Surfer/05 THE TORNADOES-The Gremmie Part 1/06 THE BEACH BOYS-Surfin'/07 THE ESQUIRES-Flashin Red/08 THE ESQUIRES-What a Burn/09 THE RAMBLERS-Ticonderoga/10 THE BEL AIRS-Mr Moto/11 THE BEL AIRS-Little Brown Jug/12 THE BELAIRS-Volcanic action/13 THE BEL AIRS-Runaway/14 ALAN SMITH AND THE FUGITIVES-Fugitive/15 THE FURRIES-Double Barrel/16 THE SURF-BUDDIES-Super Surfer/17 THE PASTE SIX-Rendezvous Rods/18 THE PASTEL SIX-Strange Ghost/19 THE PASTEL SIX-SURFER SMOOTH/20 THE PASTEL SIX-Bandito/21 THE REVELS-It's party Time/22 THE REVELS-Tough Soul/23 THE NEVEGANS-One-Armed bandit/24 THE NEVEGANS-Russian Roulette/25 THE HUSTLERS-Kopout/26 THE HUSTLERS-Migrane/27 THE BARRACUDAS-I can't Believe You're Really Mine/28 THE BARRACUDAS-Come Back To Me
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