SAP-01 College Volume Pedal/02 Minnesota/03 Kent State/04 Horray For Flipping/05 Who's Playing God Today/06 Future Now/07 I Was So Into You/08 Roses/09 Piltdown Man/10 4^2 (Slight Return)/11 Cats Meow/12 Mom's Farm
SOPHOMORE JINX!-01 Hate/02 Major Label BLues/03 Too SLow/04 Beautiful Feeling/05 555/06 I Only Love Myself/07 Earthquake/08 Trick Or Treat/09 Burner/10 Heard It On The X/11 Season In Hell
I know, I know, you never "heard of them".......this is on you don't want to miss, a couple of good, solid, unknown albums......be the envy of your friends, and make them think you are "on the cutting edge!"