Here is the link to "Dave Sez Mystery Post, Parats 1 and 2"-http://www3.zippyshare.com/v/14554438/file.html
Thanks Dave Sez, don't be a stranger and I hope all is well with you!
Also, thanks to another longtime follower, Andie James, who generaously contributes the UK Subs "Brand New Age", thanks Andie!......heposted it in the UK Subs comments, in casae you didn't catch it there, here it is:
And while we are talking of the UK Subs, an anonymous poster has provided a link to another site, which contains UK Subs-In Progress Live!,
Thanks to everyone for getting involved, I love it, and especially welcome back to my friend Dave Sez, hte best contributor EVER here.......I've got to get some more Greek Punk to Apanta Bapanta, I've probably got 75 or so more albums I need him to translate, but along with Dave Sez, he's been a long time great help with the blog. but really, thanks to everyone who just reads, or listens, maybe drops a "thank you" now and then.......I hope the blog has over the years remained true to it's original intent, because I never wanted it to be anything like other blogs. I want it to be more like a community where we ALL share our stuff, some of us don't quite get that (people sound very adamant about desiring reups of old links, and I tell them the only thing they need to do is FIRST contribute something intersting for the rest of us here.....90% of them I never hear from again.....NOT how it's supposed to work. Please understand, I am not your employee, nor am I a public utility, the selfish "I want THIS,and I want THAT, and make it QUICK" posts are from people who DON'T GET IT.......now, if you approach it like this: "Say,Scott, sure would like to see a re-up of those Sleater Kinney albums from three years ago.....I have a couple of thier shows you don't seem to have....i will post them in the hope that you will repost the ones I wish to have".......BINGO, that is how we do it. It's not hard, but this is a SHARE BLOG, and SHARING has to go both ways.
Thanks to Dave Sez, Andie James, ApantaBapanta, Psychlist, and so many more for "getting it"!