musical files each day (for a while) along with my normal music shares.....why? , I don't know, but I'll tell you......they have been UNBELEIVEABLY well recieved, amzingly so (download wise), so, despite nearly doubling my workload I will continue for a while, we'll see what happens.
Other than the "Breakfast Club", for which I shared a copy of the original script, perhaps my favorite movie is "Clerks", simply hilarious and can be watched ad infinitum, one of a small handful of films (less than 50, am nearly as hard-core a film buff as I am a music fan) of which I KNOW I could never get tired.
Ayway, got me to thinking that I have a couple of "Clerks" comics around here somewhere, which I do.....they aren't great, they ARE, though "Clerks".......glad I didn't PAY for em or anything, but since you don't have to either, you may enjoy them, provided you are a "Clerks" fan.....and if you are NOT a "Clerks" fan, perhaps your life needs a bit of reevaluation.
By the way these are PDF and do not require the use of CDisplay