"Hey, Judy......get Trudy.....you said to call up if I was feeling moody.......Hey little Donna, ya still wanna?".....if you don't recognize it, that is the Kings' great "This Beat Goes On/Switchin To Glide", one of the most wonderful singles of that much more innocent era......simply a fantastic two-sided single, we played the shit out of it back in that era.......the lyrics sound kind of silly (kind of? "Lunatics Anoymous that's where I belong", and more), however, this is a great song and a wonderful memory each time I hear it......the Kings were not anything legendary, in fact, if not for "This Beat Goes On/Swithin to Glide", i would guess they would be 99.9% forgotten......
THE KINGS ARE HERE AND MORE-01 This Beat Goes On/02 Switching To Glide/03 It's Okay/04 Go Away/05 Partyitis/06 Running Shoes Running/07 Anti Hero Man/08 Love Store/09 Don't Let Me Know/10 My Habit/11 Right to the Top/12 If the Stars Came Out Tonight/13 Unstoppable/14 Shoulda Been Me/15 If We Don't Belong Together
Link in a little while.......hope you guys have been enjoying the variety I have tried to provide.....I know there are blogs STRICTLY for power pop, or stoner rock, or whatever, but I try to include simply the stuff I like.....maybe I'd have more of a following if I went in one direction or another, but I just can't see me doing that......anyway, hope you like SOME of the stuff I put up! God bless you all, I wish only the best for my readers and their cherished families.....