This is anothre of those frustrating cases where I really want to indroduce some novices to a band, but information on them is both 1) scarce, and 2) in another language (in this case Italian).....I'll do what I can but English language info here is VERY know I love foreign language rock n roll, but foreign language printed word is quite another matter.
And a shame it is, I would like to know more about them, because this is some VERY good stuff. They blend 90's grungish riffs with the heavy psych sound of the great stoner bands, and they have a really unique sound that still rocks like hell......Made up of vocalist/guitarist/synth player Philip Leonardi, bassist Jack Pasghin, and drummer Alfredo Cosoni, they have released three albums (that I can find or know of).....I'd love to hear some more, some live stuff or demos or something, but this is kind of like the Fluid Underground thing in which I REALLY liked the stuff but was very limited by the Serbian language most of the information was printed in.....can't have everything.
Album #1 seems to have been released on a smaller label, info on it is REALLY hard to find, it seems to have emerged in around 2004 or so. It is entitled "Hombre Scarlette", and is full of Italian song titles to which I have no clue as the the translation, and some pretty fair grungy/stoner/psych.....the other two albums seem to have been released on Go Down records, apparently a bit bigger label, as they are far more accessable and easier to at least find SOME liner notes, etc......
THe second albaum, "Mandria", is very good, mixing a bit of proggy-synth sounds into the stew, (2009), and the third (final? can't tell if they are still active) from 2011 is entitled "Sequoia Seeds", and, although the titles are in English, they often make about as much sense as if they were not ("Once Were Mud"? "Three Gorges Danm'"?.....anyway, this album rocks like a mother and you will be doing yourelf a disservice if you do not check it out, ALL fans of stoner rock, heavy psych, and grunge metal, I HIGHLY recommend this. Check it out and PLEASE leave me a comment, I'd like to know if anyone shares my enthusiasm.
Now a small rant....who the hell was the first to think that putting "hidden" tracks at the end of CD's was "cool"? It wasn't and it still isn't ("Sequoia Seeds" contains one, one of the albums better tracks "No Man's Land")......what EXATLY is the point of "hiding" these tracks? Are people REALLY so simple minded that they think if they "discover" this stuff that they are onto some heavy secret information? Personally i find it to be annoying, and a trend that was stale and tired twenty years ago.
links in a little while.......hopefully tonight, if not, you know the drill, BUT PLEASE DO NOT OVERLOOK THESE ALBUMS.....THEY ARE EXCEPTIONAL , at least to THESE ears.
SCARLETTE HOMBRE-01 E Ven Miseria/02 Criptotermiti/03 Elettrica, Noia/04 Ti Sento Come Fossi Un Brivido/05 Fastidi Danzanti/06 Bonsai/07 Magnuga/08 Se Un Giorno E' Grigio Il Mondo
MANDRIA-01 Collirio d'Oltremare/02 E' Permesso?/03 Povero Diavolo/04 Mandria/05 Il Ponti dei Frati/06 Due Punti Per Una Linea/07 F.T./08 Infrarosse Pt. 1 Eterna/09 Infraosse Pt. 2 Chirlante/10 Infrarosse Pt. III Brillanda/11 Reverberation
SEQUOIA SEEDS-01 The Weaner/02 H.a.a.r.p./03 Supercell/04 Three Gorges Danm'/05 The River/06 Sequoia/07 One Were Mud/08 Awakening With Curiosity/09 Ratla Klim/10 No Man's Land
And a shame it is, I would like to know more about them, because this is some VERY good stuff. They blend 90's grungish riffs with the heavy psych sound of the great stoner bands, and they have a really unique sound that still rocks like hell......Made up of vocalist/guitarist/synth player Philip Leonardi, bassist Jack Pasghin, and drummer Alfredo Cosoni, they have released three albums (that I can find or know of).....I'd love to hear some more, some live stuff or demos or something, but this is kind of like the Fluid Underground thing in which I REALLY liked the stuff but was very limited by the Serbian language most of the information was printed in.....can't have everything.
Album #1 seems to have been released on a smaller label, info on it is REALLY hard to find, it seems to have emerged in around 2004 or so. It is entitled "Hombre Scarlette", and is full of Italian song titles to which I have no clue as the the translation, and some pretty fair grungy/stoner/psych.....the other two albums seem to have been released on Go Down records, apparently a bit bigger label, as they are far more accessable and easier to at least find SOME liner notes, etc......
THe second albaum, "Mandria", is very good, mixing a bit of proggy-synth sounds into the stew, (2009), and the third (final? can't tell if they are still active) from 2011 is entitled "Sequoia Seeds", and, although the titles are in English, they often make about as much sense as if they were not ("Once Were Mud"? "Three Gorges Danm'"?.....anyway, this album rocks like a mother and you will be doing yourelf a disservice if you do not check it out, ALL fans of stoner rock, heavy psych, and grunge metal, I HIGHLY recommend this. Check it out and PLEASE leave me a comment, I'd like to know if anyone shares my enthusiasm.

links in a little while.......hopefully tonight, if not, you know the drill, BUT PLEASE DO NOT OVERLOOK THESE ALBUMS.....THEY ARE EXCEPTIONAL , at least to THESE ears.
SCARLETTE HOMBRE-01 E Ven Miseria/02 Criptotermiti/03 Elettrica, Noia/04 Ti Sento Come Fossi Un Brivido/05 Fastidi Danzanti/06 Bonsai/07 Magnuga/08 Se Un Giorno E' Grigio Il Mondo
MANDRIA-01 Collirio d'Oltremare/02 E' Permesso?/03 Povero Diavolo/04 Mandria/05 Il Ponti dei Frati/06 Due Punti Per Una Linea/07 F.T./08 Infrarosse Pt. 1 Eterna/09 Infraosse Pt. 2 Chirlante/10 Infrarosse Pt. III Brillanda/11 Reverberation
SEQUOIA SEEDS-01 The Weaner/02 H.a.a.r.p./03 Supercell/04 Three Gorges Danm'/05 The River/06 Sequoia/07 One Were Mud/08 Awakening With Curiosity/09 Ratla Klim/10 No Man's Land