The lone album, "Chocolate Revenge", from what one might refer to as the Uk equivelent of maybe Bratmobile (I hope Ms. Molly Neuman doesn't get too miffed that I mentioned their name without cutting them a royalty check,but I'm being unfair I guess...I mean it IS Bratmobile, their music flies off the shelf so quickly they can hardly keep up with the demand and really DON'T NEED or can't handle ANY new listeners) or perhaps even L7, this is a decent album that would be MUCH better if it contained the great single "Supermodel Superficial" which I used to have and can't find, part of my reason for posting this, in fact, is to see if anyone happens to have that single and could share.
From 1994, Voodoo Queens were guitarist/vocalist Anjali Bhatia, guitarist Ella Guru, basist Anjula Bhasker, keyboardist Rajani Bhatia, and drummer Stefania Lucchesini. Sounding somewhat like the abovc mentioned bands but perhaps a bit deeper instrumentally, due to some decent keyboard work which is kind of unusual in this kind of punked-up riot grrl rage like this. The best track here for my dollar is "Princess of the Voodoo Beat", and if one browses other titles such as "I'm Not Bitter, I Just Want to Kill You" and "Faceache", one pretty much can anticipate what one is in for here.....maybe a 2.5 star disc, pretty obscure though. If anyone has any of their non-LP singles (especially the aforementioned "Supermodel Superficial") or their Peel Session that I am told exists please contact me. Otherwise, give this a shot if you are a riot grrrrl fan.
CHOCOLATE REVENGE-01 You're Dumped/02 Princess of the Voodoo Beat/03 Neptune/04 Summer Sun/05 I'm Not Bitter-I Just Want to Kill You/06 Faceache/07 Indian Filmstars/08 Cactus Trees/09 Shopping Girl Maniac/10 Chocolate Eyes/11 My Favourite Hand Bag