One of those bands that not a ton of information exists for, and as a bonus is fairly hard to Googl due to their name (try it), I got these from a friend who was a big time fan, I get most of my info from him if it is wrong, you know whom NOT to blame. OK, according to him they released a hard-to-find self titled EP with someone other than Tecchio on vocals, he claims he's never heard it, personally I can't even find any evidence of its existance, but anyway, we can confirm that 1991 saw the release of "Preface"......the best comparison I can offer is Soundgarden (Tecchio's vocals are VERY similar to those of Chris Cornell) maybe crossbred with Lorenzo's Tony Iommi-inspired guitar work, which I suppose SOUNDS quite good, and, actually, it is.....the version I have of "Preface" is not the original version, I don't think, as it includes a bonus demo track as well as a 2000 remix track, but the neucleus of the album, "Listen", "Mortify Me", "Farewell to Welfare" and others REALLY rocks the house. Recommendedfor fans of both latter-day metal as well as Nirvana/Soundgarden/Pearl Jam early 90's hard-grunge.
Their final effort was 1996's "It's a Wonderful Lie", which is ALSO a damn good album although not on a level with "In the Know".....again, a fine rocking disc filled with the Soundgarden/Sabbath hybrid, and the socio-political lyrics were growing sharper yet. I would probably label this the weakest of the three, and I'd still call it at least a 3.5 star album.
I guess they called it a day after this, I think they reformed a version of Hades, but not sure about when or where or the results. If you are not aware of these three fine discs, check them out n particular "In the Know") and thank me later. Play loud and question why some make it big and some barely make it out of the starting gate. It's a tough life.
IN THE KNOW-01 Preface/02 In the Know/03 First and lasting Impressions/04Acceptance/05 A Million Tears Ago/06 Next to Nothing/07 Reason to Die/08 Reason to Live/09 All My Needs/10 Peaked/11 No Comment/12 Sound Decisions/13 The Naked Truth/14 One Last Time/15 First and Lasting Impressions/16 Dark Day (In the Know Outside)
IT'S A WONDERFUL LIE-01 Love, Liking, Nothing/02 Deception Vs Reality/03 Somehow/04 Social Lies/05 Sad and Done/06 Spent/07 Aversion/08 Picture Imperfect/09 Big Blue Flu/10 Blackened Blues/11 Into the Ground/12 Waxing Pathetic/13 Reasons/14 Forgive and Regret