As discussed yesterday, friend of the blog named Julian has sent for us a BUNCH of Gang of Four boots and singles, will be a while until I can listen to all of these, but as popular as the GOF stuff was the other day you guys should go wild for these....and if so please extend your thanks to Julian for providing these, great job.
From longtime friend Jon Baker comes a Gang of Four anthology called "100 Flowers Bloom", he says it has some live tracks on it as well......Jon also provides us a link to the new Sharon Jones and Dap Kings, gonna be honest as hell, I don't know a thing about them, but I will be checking it out, THANKS Jon, please if you sample these give thanks to Jon.
File sharing legend Dave Sez is at it again, with yet ANOTHER rare Au Pairs gem, 1981 Rotterdam this one (I'm thinking this guy has every show they ever did!)
Now.....the Stuff of near legend. PLEASE check the comments section of the Lita Ford post, I am BEGGING you, even if you have no interest in the subject matter......we have a new reader whom, apparently, feels that a few things about the blog are not quite to his particular tastes. TRUST me you DO want to see these comments, they literally make Scott Andridge sound like a mix between maybe Albert Einstein and Dr Drew Pinskey....PLEASE check these out, they made my day and I hope they will make yours as well.....again, TRUST me on this, these are something that will enlighten and educate you like few things that you have previously experienced. I just hope our brave new friend (wait for it) "Anonymous" continues to share this remarkable wisdom. I won't go as far as I did with ol' Scottie and try to translate these into English for you, but the gyst seems to be that he wants more (what he calls) "gay music" on the site......had he been paying even a modicum of attention, he'd see that a few of his "requests" (Mott the Hoople, the Smiths, David Bowie, Tom Robinson Band) I have already done FULL blog posts on, he must have missed them, but I don't see how, with as much time as he OBVIOUSLY spends here. I really don't take the sexuality of a performer into account when I do a post, but obviously this lad has gone to a LOT of TIME and TROUBLE to compile this lengthy list of "gay music", so if any of you can help him out with some of this "gay music", please post it here for him......and, Mr. Anonymous, if you just check the archive, you will no doubt find the Smiths, TRB, and the others I mentioned.......gay folks are welcome here every bit as much as anyone else, if they mind the hundreds of pictures of half-naked babes that I post here, I'd tell THEM to go find a more suitabale blog......but anyway, I'm glad Mommy lets him use the 'puter all by hisself and I hope he isn't a stranger, people like this are FUN in a huge way, because they REALLY think they are tough, scary, menacing, whatever, and have no clue that the rest of the world is laughing their collective asses off......I'm sure you've known people like this, every one of you has.....a guy walks into a party, brags and boasts about what a badass he is. Once he leaves, the theme of the party changes to laughing at and making fun of him......and that is "Anonymous" in a nutshell.....honestly, I genuinely feel sorry for him.
This just in, Julian has provided a bunch MORE links, to some Pavlov's Dog stuff (more recent than the 2 albums I posted a while back).....not going to get to these tonight but I will download them and get them up......now, as for the shares, I have downloaded them, I DO NOT KNOW if the track are tagged or not at this point, I had to rush to get it ready.....you may be n your own to decode that, even as such, these are GREAT finds from Julian, Jon, and Dave Sez......simply tremendous, all of you, and I thank you! Plenty of people work together to make this blog somewhat what I want it to be (NO, I DON'T want it to be like one of the "big time" blogs, internet fame ain't my thing at ALL), and I thank, once again, the many, many GREAT friends and contributors to this blog who help to make it worthwhile. Now if you could all just try a little HARDER, so Mr. Anonymous, who seemingly spends every waking moment of his day here, would be a bit happier, PLEASE go the extra mile........
Links, some maybe tonight, some maybe not till tomorrow, LOTTA stuff here and you are likely going to freak over some of it, if you're a Gang of 4 fan, this is your nirvana!
Links are in comments section, as they come in......probably tomorrow afternoon, today's been well, taxing!