Originally formed as Warsaw in Manchster in the mid-1970's, Joy Division quickly developed their own unique style of mope-rock that could make Nine Inch Nails "The Downwad Spiral" sound like "The Ramones Leave Home". Truth be told, they were always a bit "much" for me, they took being miserable WAY seriously, wittnessed, of course, by the fact that frontman Ian Curtis killed himeslf on the eve of the band's US tour. Such is life.
The band consisted of Singer Curtis, guitar/keyboardist Bernard Sumner, bassist Peter Hook, and drummer Stephen Morris. Most definitley they had a hard core following, were quite influential, and, I beleive, remain to this day the favorite band of my younger brother. They released some single and EP's, some of which will turn up here on the box set, and also released an album as "Warsaw" which I THINK I have and will have to go try to find.
"Unknown Pleasures" was released in 1979, haunting and dark, with songs like "She's Lost Control", "Shadowplay", and, well, basically the whole album. If you are into this kind of thing, this is a masterwork as is the follow up, "Closer".....I am going to include the original vinyl pressing of "Closer" here, I think it is more appropriate, and then I will tack on the bonus tracks from "Closer Plus".....you'll see.
These were the only two proper albums of the band's career, prior to Curtis' passing. THe first compilation of rare/live stuff, I think, was "Still", which recaps a lot of the earlier tracks and includes a VERY odd cover of the Velvet Underground's "Sister Ray". The "big time' comp is the four-disc "Heart and Soul" box set, "Closer" and "Unknown Pleasures" in their entirety along with tons of bonus tracks, a rarities disc, and a disc of live stuff. Also we have four full length concert boots of varying quality for 1979-80......Joy Division lovers, your time to, uh, "rejoice"is here. Also found "The Ideal", the Warsaw disc.
Links will be in the comments section in a whiloe, some maybe not until tomorrow......enjoy and leave a comment if there is something here to your liking. Love you all!
WARSAW-THE IDEAL-01 Warsaw/02Walked In Line/03 Ice Age/04 Leaders of Men/05 Transmission/06 Intrezone/07 Shadowplay/08 No Love Lost/09 Failures/10 Novelty/11 The Drawback/12 Gutz/13 At a Later Date/14 The Kill/15 Inside the Line
PEEL SESSION 11/26/79-01 Love Will Tear Us Apart/02 Twenty Four Hours/03 Colony/04 Sound of Music
HEART AND SOUL-DISC 1 "UNKNOWN PLEASURES PLUS"-01 Digital/02 Glass/03 Disorder/04 Day of the Lords/05 Candidate/06 Insight/07 New Dawn Fades/08 She's Lost Control/09 Shadowplay/10 Wilderness/11 Interzone/12 I Remember Nothing/13 Ice Age/Exercise One/14 Transmission (single version)/15 Novelty (single B Side)/16 The Kill/17 The Only Mistake (single B Side)/18 Something Must Break/19 Auto-Suggestion (Earcom2)/20 From Saftey to Where.....?(Earacom2)
HEART AND SOUL DISC 2 "CLOSER PLUS"-01 Atrocity Exhibition/02 Isolation/03 Passover/04 Colony/05 A Means to An End/06 Heart and Soul/07 Twenty Four Hours/08 The Eternal/09 Decades/10 She's Lost Control (12" Single Version)/11 The Sound of Music (12" Single B-Side)/12 Atmosphere (7" Single)/13 Dead Souls (7" Single B Side)/14 Komakino (Flexi Disc)/15 Incubation (Flexi Disc B Side)/16 Love WIll Tear Us Apart/17 These Days
HEART AND SOUL DISC 3 "RARITIES"-01 Warsaw/02 No Love Lost/03 Leaders of Me/04 Failures/05 The Drawback (unreleased)/06 Interzone (unreleased)/07 Shadowplay (unreleased)/08 Execise One (Peel Session)/09 Insight (demo)/10 Glass (demo)/11 Transmissions (demo)/12 Dead Souls (unreleased)/13 Something Must Break (raw mix)14 Ice Age (demo)/15 Walked in Line (raw Mix)/16 These Days (unreleased)/17 Candidate (unreleased)/18 The Only Mistake/19 Chance (Atmosphere) (unreleased)/20 Love Will Tear Us Apart (Peel Session)/21 Colony (Peel Session)/22 As You Said (flexi disc uncredited track)/23 Ceremony (rehearsal tae)/24 In a Lonely Place (detail) (rehearsal tape)
HEART AND SOUL DISC4 LIVE-01 Dead Souls/02 The Only Mistake/03 Insight/04 Candidate/05 Wilderness/06 She's Lost Control/07 Disorder/08 Interzone/09 Atrocity Exhibition/10 Novelty/11 Auto-Suggestion/12 I Remember Nothing/13 Colony/14 These Days/15 Incubation/16 The Eternal/17 Heart and Soul/18 Isolation/19 She's Lost Control
PERMANENT-01 Love Will Tear Us Apart/02 Transmission/03 She's Lost Control/04 Shdowplay/05 Day of the Lords/06 Isolation/07 Passover/08 Heart and Soul/09 Twenty Four Hours/10 THose Days/11 Novelty/12 Dead Souls/13 The Only Mistake/14 Something Must Break/15 Atmosphere/16 Love Will Tear Us Apart-Permanent Mix
STILL-01 Exercise One/02 Ice Age/03 The Sound of Music/04 Glass/05 The Only Mistake/06 Walked In Line/07 The Kill/08 Something Must Break/09 Dead Souls/10 Sister Ray/11 Ceremony/12 Shadow Play/13 A Means to An End/14 Passover/15 New Dawn Fades/16 Transmission/17 Disorder/18 Isolation/19 Decades/20 Digital
LONDON 1979-01 Dead Souls/02 Disorder/03 Wilderness/04 Autosugestion/05 Transmission/06 Day of the Lords/07 She's Lost Control/08 Shadowplay/09 Atrocity Exhibition/10 Insight
LES BAINS DOUCHES 1980-01 Disorder/02 Love Will Tear Us Apart/03 Insight/04 Shadowplay/05 Transmission/06 Day of the Lords/07 Twenty Four Hours/08 These Days/09 A Means to an End/10 Passover/11 New Dawn Fades/12 Atrocity Exhibition/13 Digital/14 Dead Souls/15 Autosuggestion/16 Atmosphere
PRESTON UK 3/28/80-01 Oncubation/02 Wilderness/03 Twenty Four Hours/04 The Eternal/05 Heart and Soul/06 Shadowplay/07 Transmission/08 Disorder/09 Warsaw/10 Colony/11 Interzone/12 She's Lost Control

OK, LOTTA work went into this.....hope to see some good download numbers and good comments one the links are up. I realie this is brutally depressing stuff, it really is, but it serves a purpose no question.......perhaps the next post will be maybe something a bit sunnier? Always looking for suggestions, as I try to make clear. Hope everyone has a good Friday Evening and we'll see what happens tomorrow. But please, if you're a Joy Division fan, grab the stuff you don't have......if your a Joy Division novice (oh, you KIDS), please check this out, it is perhaps the greatest look ever into a truly TORTURED soul, much in it's own way that the music of Nirvana foretold the ultimate, untimely loss of Kurt Cobain. Mr. Curtis, you are missed, I hope that now you are at peace....I always enjoyed your music (when in the right frame of mind), and I know (for one), my brother (mentioned earlier) TRULY loved your work. You DID make the world a better place, sorry that the world couldn't offer you more peace and comfort while you were here.