Fox" by Pearl......"Pearl" being Pearl Aday, who, beleive it or not, is the daughter of legendary talentless, fat, psuedo-rocker Meat Loaf. PLEASE don't hold that against her, as awful as her father's work consistently was, this was a fine album (2010) and as far as I know we still await a follow-up.....I thought about not even mentioning her family lineage for fear of running some of you off, but fear not, there is none of that idiotic operatic swill her father made his name with here.......just some damn good straight out hard rock, sung with maximum effort by a beautiful young lady who sounds for all the world like Janis Joplin. How this album was SO VERY overlooked upon release (I named it one of the top 10 of that year), but I still listen to it quite a bit, which is something I rarely say about albums released the past couple years (I guess I like to let them "settle into history" a bit before deciding thier "final status")
sexuality.......although she'll probably see this and go all Scott Andridge on me for dissing her ball of goo father.......such is life......
01 Rock Child/02 Nutbush City Limits/03 Broken White/04 Check Out Charlie/05 Mama/06 My Heart Isn't In It/07 Nobody/08 Worth Defending/09 Love Pyre/10 Whore/11 Anything
Back with something a bit more challenging,
Comments welcome as always, but what I really want right now are REQUESTS.......what do you WANT? It's FOOTBALL SEASON and ya don't want me to lose interest in this here thing do y? (Just kidding, the Vikings are going to suck dick once more I project!)