Of course, Tommy Stinson's post Replacements band.....I really like the write up that I found for this one so I won't go on and on much, other than to say, I do like this one a good bit, and the review is pretty fair/accurate........so see what you think......this is another fabulous submission from John N, who works tirelessly so you and I can hear only THE GOOD STUFF!
Anything Could Happen is an album of upbeat songs about feeling down and lucid observations about getting fucked up, split evenly between ragged mid-tempo struts and countrified, come-down laments. And for Replacements fans of a certain vintage, it offers a hit of nostalgia more potent than you’ll get from scrolling your high-school buddy’sFACEBOOK
list. But for Stinson, Anything Could Happen is less an exercise in reliving the past than coming to terms with it, having survived being in the world’s most intoxicated band, the untimely death of his brother, divorce, and working for two of rock’s most notorious control freaks. That experience has taught him that, even in life’s darkest moments, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, even if it’s just a cigarette ember. On “Anytime Soon,” Stinson lays down a smoky, miserable-bastard blues to remind himself to quit being such a miserable bastard: “Feeling sad and lonely, yes I know I’m not the only,” he sings, before adding, “you won’t see me dangling from these rafters anytime soon.” Because as Stinson’s unlikely journey from drunk-punk underdog to arena-rock ringer has shown, anything can indeed happen.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------01. Not This Time
02. On The Rocks
03. Anything Could Happen
04. Breathing Room
05. Anybody Else
06. Can’t Be Bothered
07. Bad
08. Never Wanted To Know
09. Anytime Soon
10. Unfuck You
11. Jesus Loves You
12. Shortcut