the border between the stoner rock of the era and conventional hard rock.....
The first album, "Big Deal" was released in 2007, it's only fair, but it IS SOLID, a collection of hard rocking numbers that sometimes don't take off as intended.....much better is "Life is a Big Holiday For Us" (2009).....they "stoner" the sound up a bit, and the result is their best work......LOTS of cool riff-rockers here, including one called "Don't Take My Beer" and another called "Girl I've Come to lay You Down".......seriously this is a pretty good, say, 3-star LP.
From 2010, we have the not-great sounding "Live in Goiana".....it is the sound quality only that lacks, as it is a fairly hot performance, and the sound quality is not THAT bad.......most tracks kick ass pretty hard, (especially "The Legend"), this is as good a live representation as I could come up with.
"No Dust Stuck on You" was released in 2012, sort of similar to "Life", again, they sludge-up their sound a bit, and it DOES work, perhaps another three star effort......
Decent hard/stoner band, fans of the genre will be happy, I am a fan of the genre, as you know, and it works well enough for me for the most part.

BIG DEAL-01 Big Deal/02 Rising Sun in the Purple Morning Sky/03 Help Me/04 Holiday/05 Everything Is
Going to Be Fine/06 High and Smashed/07 A Place to Hide/08 Legs Don't Lie/09 Little Story/10 Suicide Girl
LIFE IS A BIG HOLIDAY FOR US-01 My Favorite Way/02 Free From Desire/03 My Radio/04 The Legend/05 Girl I've Come to Lay You Down/06 Find Another Road/07 I'm a Beast I'm a Gun/08 Don't Take My Beer/09 Precious Stone/10 Magic Travel/11 Leaving Home
LIVE IN GOIANA-01 Intro/02 The Legend/03 Free From Desire/04 Simmer Down/05 Everything Is Going to be Fine/06 My Radio/07 Red Love/08 My Favorite Way/09 A Place to Hide this Gold/10 Cheat, Love, and Lies/11 Leaving Home/12 Precious Stone/13 Big Deal
NO DUST STUCK ON YOU-01 Famous/02 Cut Myself In Two/03 Street Rider/04 Walking By/05 No Anchor/06 Disco Ghosts/07 I've Got Your Flavor/08 Simmer Down/09 Swallow/10 Immature Toy/11 Little Crazy/13 The Stalker/14 Deni's Dream/15 Cheat, Love, and Lies