What to say? Well, just that pretty much the whole disc rocks it out hard, ala the bands I compared them to earlier.....can't praise this one enough. I THINK 2001 is the proper release date, but I am even unsure of that......whatever, great hard rocking stoner tunes, a whole disc of em for ya, and again, if they have more stuff floating around out there I'd be interested.....damn, listening right now, and there are some killer tracks here ("Fever", "Rule Me Out", but trust me, the rest of the tunes are JUST AS GOOD......I'm always thrilled to come upon a stoner rock sc I had forgotten about that I can share......this one fits that description to an absolute "T".....
KILLBOTS-01 Hellfire/02 The Whore (Without a Name)/03 Whirlwind Pussay/04 Fever/05 Killer Raid/06 Freight Train/07 Rule Me Out/08 The Counts of Mondo/09 Pay the Dues/10 Cuda 69/11 Good Times/12 Tantra
NOT fucking around here, this one is really good (for the stoner fans at least).....I had forgotten totally about it, a huge error on my part.......stoner fans, please check this it is fairly bad-ass.