www.post-punk.com Shoegazers hailing from Long Beach California, Echolust— have released their debut LP following the release of a clutch of singles this past year such as Zombie ... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyway, I'm digging it, again, to ME, THIS is the sound of ultra-hip modern day rock n roll in the 2010's.......fine stuff, I just love it like I loved the "stoner" stuff when it took off too....might be years before peeps appreciate this stuff, but at the end of the day, we will ALL be ahead of the curve..........fine album don't miss. VELDISA-01 1799/02 Dark Hair Girl/03 Decor Blonde/04 For Least Resistance/05 Cherry Dancer/06 Lotus/07 Electric/08 Zombie Birds/09 Velvet Holiday/10 Doublespeak/11 Veldisa/12 This Blurry Kill |