when I post it (meaning foreign language stuff) is either wildly beloved (by some), or overwhelmingly ignored.....I know some don't care for the non-English stuff, but I think we deprive ourselves of some fine music when we let a small obstacle like understandable lyrics get in the way......these sets (eight of em, not sure if that is the complete story or not, but all I got)....are damn fine, high energy punk rock n roll......Clash-style, perhaps, maybe a (never thought I'd use THIS phrase) Hispanic Stiff Little Fingers or Rancid.......yes I know how silly that sounds, but LISTEN to the damn things, and tell me I'm wrong (I'm not).
There isn't any real need to break these albums down, not too much, they are fairly similar, except for perhaps the most recent, the 2003 release "Garotozil de Padrezapam", which veers off in a direction more reminiscent of 1980's west coast hard core....but it's listenable, as are all of these, the live sets in particular show some high-level energy.
Several different lads made up the lineup here, I think maybe vocalist Mao might have been a constant, and he's a good one, again, something of a Joe Strummer-like shouter, and often times, some damn good punk guitar turns up on these albums, compliments of (mostly, I think) a guitarist by the name of "KK" (I think it is highly unlikely that it was KK Downing from Judas Priest, before you answer it's a JOKE, son).....

All of these albums have their moments, I like them a good bit. Try the earlier ones first and then follow them
as their sound builds (somewhat).....anyway, some good punk rock, which, in fact, a few American ears ought to hear. In particular, the ones who refer to stuff like Blink 182 or even something more wretched as "punk"......at the very least, this would be the real article.
MAIS PODRES DO QUE NUNCA-01 Nao Devemos Temer/02 Johnny/03 Insatisfacao/04 Maldita Preguica/05 Vou Fazer Coco/06 Anarquia Oi/07 Eu Nao Sei o Que Quero/08 Papai Noel Velho Batuta/09 Miseraveis Ovelhas/10 Liberdade (Onde Esta?)/11 Fuhrer/12 Meu Bem
PIOR QUE ANTES-01 Eu Nao Gosto Do Governo/02 Anistia/03 Yankees Go Home/04 Proletarios/05 Suburbio Operario/06 Batman/07 Escolas/08 Caminhando para o nada/09 Nao questione/10 Garoto Podre
CANCOES PARA NINAR-01 Oi Tudo Bem/02 Fernandinho viadinho/03 Sadam Hussein is Rock N Roll/04 Censura Idiota/05 Surfista de pinico/06 Verme/07 Moardomia/08 Rock de Suburbio/09 Aos Fuzilados da csn/10 Johnny/11 Anarquia/12 Papai Noel

Bem/05 Proletarios/06 Oi! Tudo Bem/07 Nao Devemos Temer/08 Insatisfacao/09 Maldita Pregauica/10 Miseravis Ovelhas/11 Liberdade (Onde Esta?)/12 Mordomia/13 Papai Noel Filho Da Puta/14 Oi! Tudo Bem (Ao Vivo)

LIVE IN RIO-01 Garoto Podre/02 Oi! Tudo Bem/03 Arriba! Arriba!/04 Johnny/05 Rock de Suburbio/06
Skinhead Girl/07 Vearne/08 Eu Nao Gosto Do Governo/09 Ze Ninguem/10 Papai Noel Filho Da Puta/11 O Que Eu Vou Ser Quando Crescer/12 Aos Fuzilados Da C.S.N./13 Boris Yeltsin/14 Expulsos Do Ar/15 Subuarbio Operario/16 Fernandinho viadinho/17 Mancha/18 Anarkia Oi!/19 O Mundo Nao Para De Girar/20 Vou Fazer Coco
GAROTOZIL DE PODREZPAM-01 Vomitaram No Trem/02 Agente Secreto/03 Sou Um Fracasso-maniaco/04 Servico Militaro/05 Diatador/06 Nasci Pra Ser Selvagaem/07 Ainda Vamos Tocaar Bossa Nova/08 A Internacional/09 O Ocidente e Um Acidente/10 To de Saco Cheio/11 O Adventista
Little bit o work here, but worth it if it hips just one person to some new tunes......