blowout......if you missed the announcement the other day, I am thrilled to tell you that once I get through the alphabet, I have discovered another Torrent, similar to this one, that will be the "Son of Garage Fuzz" or something.......guys, that Torrent is just as stacked as this one, and just as big too.......so enjoy this one, and once we get through "Z", we'll be unveiling the new "Son Of" series, which will be just as bad ass as this one is.......this stuff (Nugget rock) is among my faves, so to get a whole new semi-load of it to share with you is a blessing for ME!
PART 16-01 PAGE BOYS-All I Want/02 PAINTED SHIP-And She Said Yes/03 PALACE GUARDS-No Comin' Back/04 PANDAS-Girl From New York City/05 PANDAS-Walk/06 PANICKS-You're My Baby/07 PAUL BEARER & THE HEARSEMEN-I've Been Thinking/08 PAUL MARTIN-Echo/09 PAUL MARTIN-It Happened/10 PEABODY HERMITAGE-Fear/11 PEABODY HERMITAGE-Something So/12 PEARL DIVERS-Terminal Loser/13 PERPETUAL MOTION WORKSHOP-Won't Come Down/14 PERPETUATED SPIRITS OF TURPENTINE-I'm a Double Naught Spy/ 15 PETARDS-Baby Run Run Run/16 PIECE KOR- All I Want Is My Baby/17 PLAGUE-Go Away/18 PLAGUES-I've Been Through It Before/19 PLASTIC BLUES BAND-Gone/20 PLEAZERS-Hurtin' All Over/21 PLYMOUTH ROCKERS-Don't Say Why/22 POLANIE-Can You Hear Me/23

POWERS OF BLUE-Satisfaction/26 PREMIERS-Get on This Plane/27 PRIDE & JOY-If You're Ready/28 PURPLE CANTEEN-Brains in My Feet/29 PURPLE GANG-Bring Your Own Self Down/30 PURPLE GANG-Looking Glass/31 PURPLE GANG-One of the Bunch/32 PURPLE SUN-Doomsday
Letter "Q" on deck, guessing THAT one may get merged with "R", interestingly enough that will be the FIRST letter that I will have merged, a testimony to the vast number of songs in this gigantic torrent.......a great, great collection, thanks to whomever created it, ya done good!