Well, I checked it......no surprise here, my babydoll Chrissie still has them pipes.....obviously, the original Pretenders would sound better, but I've always been a sucker for The Pretenders and especially Chrissie Hynde......this is a fair enough album, no classic, not even close......but GOOD if you are a Pretenders fan......so have at it, it really IS worth your while, and I really was not going to post it if I deemed in unworthy........thanks to John N for another great submission!
ALONE-01 Alone/02 Roadie Man/03 Gotta Wait/04 Never be Together/05 Let's Get Lost/06 Chord Lord/07 Blue Eyed Sky/08 The Man You Are/09 One More Day/10 I hate Myself/11 Death Is Not Enough/12 Holy Commotion
I was (honestly) all prepared not to like this one.....but actually, it's good, and reminds me a good bit of those early Pretenders albums......Chrissie still has that sexy, hard-assed voice/attitude, and I still love it/her! Go Chrissie.....good album, glad it's here, and remember it's new, and what that means, but it's maybe the most SURPRISINGLY good album I've heard in a while. Enjoy, and I LOVE YOU CHRISSIE (always have!)