This is a favorite of Angie's, a two-disc Tori Amos set, "To Venus and Back"......one disc is a fine live set, the other a set of studio work, highly experimental an electronic (for Tori)......I really like this set, especially the live stuff, and Tori Amos is perhaps my love's very favorite......we'll be doing a comprehensive Tori Amos post (with ALL her albums, boots, rarities and the like, somewhat soon, but, of course, those take time and work, but it's coming....
In the meantime, first of all, I hope you DO enjoy Angie's sort-of eccentric music selections (many seem to, The Singling Bowls, Chanting Monks, and some of the Native American stuff has been hit pretty hard, and she has LOTS of more stuff, relative to her lifestyle and beliefs......for now though, she LOVES some Tori Amos, and I always have as well, though not to the same degree. This is a good set though, Tori comes through as a dynamic live performer (not exactly her reputation) on the live disc, which has, among other gems, stellar versions of "Cornflake Girl" , "Mr. Zebra", and lots more of her unique song stylings.
Happy birthday Madame Angela. I love you dearly, thank you for all you have done for me (not least of which includes saving my life) and I so look forward to the rest of our lives together. Consider this post just a small gift in your honor, I hope some of the rest of you like it as well, it's a good one, and for the uninitiated, a warm up for the "BIG" Tori post coming soon(er or later, maybe after layoff, we shall see).
Happy Birthday Angie, I love you!
Disc 1 (Venus:Orbiting)-01 Bliss/02 Juarez/03 Concertina/04 Glory of the 80's/05 Lust/06 Suede/07 Josephine/08 Riot Proof/09 Datura/10 Spring Haze/11 1000 Oceans
Disc 2 (Still Orbiting)-01 Precious Things/02 Cruel/03 Cornflake Girl/04 Bells For Her/05 Girl/06 Cooling/07 Mr. Zebra/08 Cloud on My Tongue/09 Sugar/10 Little Earthquakes/11 Space Dog/12 Waitress/13 Purple People
You never know what you might find on here, which is the direction I TRY to take the blog in......GOD what a miserable football weekend for a Vikings/Ohio State fan..........uuuuuurrrrrrrr........Cubs/Tribe is like a dream come through World Series though.....who is your pick? I'd favor the Cubs BUT, I just have a feeling they are gonna "pull a Cubs"......my prediction: Tribe in 7 games.......I love baseball so I welcome all other predictions here......if you get it right I'll fill a request for you or something.......I guess......