Actually a really good one here, hope you can find time to check this one, reminds me (EVER so slightly of maybe The Len Price Three), but this, like the rest of the period pieces that I talk about so often, this, like so many, can stand on it's own.......good album, and a forgotten one as well........hey this is what i DO, right, I hope you guys get a crack at this album, it really IS a good one.
TEDDY BOYS PICNIC-01 Products of the Mind/02 Mirror Mirror/03 Get Off My Cloud/04 Brave New World/05 Teddy Boy's Picnic/06 They Won't Let My Girlfriend Talk To Me/07 Out of Phaze/08 Man of Steel/09 Love is Cheap/10 Pretty Boys/11 Don't Shoot
Tell ya what, this is a damn good album.......3.5 star maybe? I was really surprised that it was so much better than what I had remmebered......a REALLY good one, I say that a good bit, BUT when something happens to encapsulate an entire era/scene AND function as a fairly unknown gem, well, might just be me, but I thought that was why we all be here to begin with, right-o?