(As always, when I have albums that are in a language that my computer won't replicate, well, I wind up with songs titled (MP3#1) or something like that......well, especially in this case.....if you miss these albums, it is your loss, as there is some great hard rock/alt pop on these sides......NOT fucking kidding around here, some great music, been really enjoying it today!
BLACK LIST-01 Sins/02 (Japanese Title)/03 Spell Magic/04 Scar/05 (Japanese Title)/06 Bit Stupid/07 (Japanese Title)/08 Black Cherry/09 Murder Licence/10 (Japanese Title)/11 Dragon Carnival/12 Prologue-End

QED-01 Mother/02 Cord name Justice/03 Jigsaw QED Version/04 mp3/05 mp3/06 mp3/07 1954 LOVE
HATE/08 I'm Not a Ghost/09 mp3/10 mp3/11 Maria/12 20 8Century Boys
RECREATION-01 Koi Hitoyo/02 mp3/03 mp3/04 mp3/05 Monochrome Venus/06 mp3/07 mp3/08 mp3/09 mp3/10 Beautiful Name
This stuff is not to be missed.......I really enjoyed he fuck out of it, seriously, I hope like fuck you do as well....NOT dicking around here, these are some fantastic hard rocking albums, just don't miss em coz you have a "thing" about non-English rock.....here are three discs of it, and all three arae fucking SLAMMING!