Cheer were the ultimate in ugly, grinding, sludge rock, and they put out two FAB albums of the same.....I've posted these before, but, as previously, I think my first posts were vinyl rips (NOT necessarily a bad thing), but I DO happen to have some digital editions of their two amazing albums (yes, I know about their "other" albums.....my opinion: they suck. PERIOD).....so, I am going to re-up the two CLASSIC Blue Cheer issues, in glorious (or not) digital format, these albums are so loud and sludgy, they are ABSOLUTE classics, this is just another opportunity for you to check them and be part of the "down with Blue Cheer" club......no kidding, "Doctor Please" from "Vincebus Eruptum" is on the first disc of BigScott's "What Is Heavy Metal?" project, and the rest of this sludgy stuff is that good, loud, UGLY rock n roll that any of us former/present drug fiends have GOT to love!.....
So without further ado, and since I couldn't think of anything else to put up today, here, motherfucker, are the GREAT Blue Cheer! (Longtime readers will recall that last time I posted a live boot with these, the rason I didn't this time is simple: it REALLY kind of sucks).

OUTSIDEINSIDE-01 Feathers From Your Tree/02 Sun Cycle/03 Just a Little Bit/04 Gypsy Ball/05 Come and Get It/06 (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction/07 The Hunter/08 Magnolia Caboose Babyfinger/09 Babylon
This is CLASSIC shit here, if you are a newb to THIS stuff, you MUST get with the program!!!!!!!!!!!!!