wondered who they were as he had used one of their songs on one of his cover projets.....I THINK I probably, at that time, put up "Distortions" and "$100 Fine", the two definitive "Who were the Litter?" albums, actually known most for the single "Action Woman' , a real growler from that era......
Anyway, John N sends me some what look like perhaps expanded versions of the Litter albums that were mentioned before, as well as an additional album and a bunch of extra material, see below.
So this is it, should be the COMPLETE Litter, more or less.......not bad areas of investigation, at all, for fans of lake 60's garage-punk....
The first album, Distortions, is expanded here to include a live set, "$100 Fine" includes a ton of demos, and then there is the case of the 1969 effort, "Emerge" which I don't think I've ever hear of until this minute.
DISTORTIONS-01 Action Woman/02 Whatcah Gonna Do About it/03 Codine/04 Somebody Help Me-05 Substitute/06 The Mummy/07 I'm So Glad/08 A Legal Matter/09 Rack My Mind/10 Soul Searchin'/11 I'm a Man / (LIVE IN CHICAGO 1968) 12 Hey Joe/13 harpsicord Song #1/14 Here I Go Again/15 Walk Like an Egyptian/16 Under the Screaming Double Eagle/18 She's Not There/19 Pegasus

10 Angelica/12 Where Is She Now/13 I Can't Forget You/15 I Love My Love/ 16 Oh So Sad/18 Second
hand Woman/19 Only Love/20 He Couldn't Find One Anywhwere/21 Candy
(note: problems with tracks 11,14,17 I'll investigate shortly
EMERGE-01 Journeys/02 Feelings/03 Silly People/04 Blue Ice/05 For What it's Worth/06 Little Red Book/07 breakfast at Gardenson's/08 Future of the Past/09 On Our Minds