still some some solid shit from these California goofball/punks, the obvious "fathers" of bands like Green Day , Offspring, and Blink 182.....perhaps yesterday's stuff was enough for you (although, make no mistake, "Milo Goes to College" is essential), the band is one of those, whom, if you are not a 'fan" a little can go quite a ways, but I really do like these discs, the live stuff is good, all in all, they were a solid band who remained true to their convictions. Good stuff which deserves to be resurrected and properly documented.

ALL-01 All/02 Coolidge/03 No, All!/04 Van/05 Cameage/06 Impressions/07 Iceage/08 Jealous of the World/09 Clean Sheets/10 Pep Talk/11 All-O-Gistics/12 Schizophrenia/13 Uranus
EVERYTHING SUCKS-01 Everything Sux/02 I'm the One/03 Coffee Mug/04 Rotting Out/05 Sick-O-Me/06 Caught/07 When I Get Old/08 Doghouse/09 She Loves Me/10 Hateful Notebook/11 We/12 Eunuch Boy/13 This Place/14 I Wont Let Me/15 Thank You/16 Grand Theme

COOL TO BE YOU-01 Talking/02 Nothing With You/03 She Don't Care/04 'merican/05 Dog and Pony
Show/06 Blast Off/07 Dreams/08 Cool to Be You/09 Maddie/10 Mass Nerder/11 One More Day/12 Tack/13 Anchor Grill/14 Dry Spell
1987 LIVEAGE MINNEAPOLIS1 All/02 I'm Not a Loser/03 Silly Girl/04 I Wanna Be a Bear/05 Coolidge/06 Weinerschnitzel/07 I Don't Want To Grow Up/08 Kids/09 Wendy/10 Get the Time/11 Descendents/12 Sour Graps/13 All-O-Gistics/14 Myage/15 My Dad Sucks/16 Van/17 Subuurban Home/18 Hope/19 Clean Sheets/20 Pervert

More to come, hopefully over the weekend we'll knock this one out. Another good one from the vaults of
John N, you guys and myself owe him a LOT for his magnificent submissions.