Brotherly love, that is! Scott has mentioned more than once that he wanted to do a covers tribute to one of his favorite albums, Forever Changes by the band Love. I (jonder) don't mean to steal his idea; I just wanted to surprise him.
Some of the artists are well known, but here's a little background on track 9. Matt Brown was in a band called Uncle Green, four young guys who left New Jersey for Athens, GA in the early 80's. After five albums, they changed the band's name to 3 Lb Thrill.
The record label decided not to release the band's final album Rycopa ( Matt Brown made a solo album also went unreleased ( In 2012 he started a group ( for musicians to record and share songs based on a weekly theme.

A duo called Occasionally David did an album length cover of Forever Changes, but it's rare and hard to find.
There's also a various artists collection of Forever Changes covers called Unloved, and a Love tribute called We're All Normal And We Want Our Freedom. You can find more Love covers on this blog by searching for the Duke Spirit, the Damned, and the Hellacopters.
01 A House Is Not A Motel - THE ENTRANCE BAND
02 Alone Again Or - CALEXICO
03 Andmoreagain - ROBYN HITCHCOCK
04 Bummer In The Summer - THE RIVER CITY TANLINES
05 Live And Let Live - THE CHEMISTRY SET
06 Maybe The People Would Be The Times - THE PALE FOUNTAINS
07 Old Man - LA BUENA VIDA
08 The Daily Planet - THE JIGSAW SEEN
09 The Good Humour Man He Sees Everything Like This - MATT BROWN
10 The Red Telephone - FRANKENSTEIN 3000
11 You Set The Scene - BABY LEMONADE