Let me explain a few things......the comps that I have been posting lately come from a variety of sources.....some were vinyl rips that I did, some were vinyl rips that others did, some were downloaded from blogs similar to this or Torrent sites such as Pirate Bay......the information that I post, track lists, etc, ARE SOMETIMES NOT CORRECT. I have been "making" CD's since 2000, that is 13 years, and thusly I have between 15000-20000 in my stash. At the time I "create" a CD, I also create a label for it, using the information I obtain online or whatever.....now, if that information is incorrect, it gets TRANSPOSED incorrectly.....often times, I will listen to a recently created CD and say "Wow, that track is supposed to be #3 and it's actually #2" or something like that......but then I pretty much forget about it and put it on the shelf. Some of my stuff, especially comps, is unfortunately, mislabeled. Now, here is the thing. I work every day. I have a family. And I also try to make a blog post here most every day, ususally with multiple parts, as opposed to most blogs which if they post on a daily basis at all, generally give only one disc at a time. Point being, I do not have time to recheck the track sequences for acccuracy for a CD that might have been on the shelves for 2, 5, or 8 years or whatever. Sorry I JUST DON'T HAVE TIME TO DO THAT. The problem with that is that sometimes discs get uploaded with the incorrect information. I am sorry. If I get some spare time I will try to correct any errors that are pointed out to me, but, frankly, don't hold your breath. In case you are unaware, I make not a penny off of this, I am attempting to share some music that some of you may not have heard and may enjoy......if I give you some incorrect info sometimes, that is just life, if YOU have the time, GREAT! Reasearch the proper track sequences and whatever else you wish to complain about. But, PLEASE remember, I AM NOT YOUR GODDAMNED EMPLOYEE. If you like the blog, despite its flaws, great. If you DON'T like it, that is great too, JUST GO ELSEWHERE........but DO NOT COMPLAIN about it. A good deal of the music that I post here is available for sale on e-bay or amazon.....GO THERE AND BUY IT AND COMPLAIN TO THEM IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE INFO THAT THEY PROVIDE. But for the love of God stop complaining about something I am trying to do for others who MAY appreciate it. If you don't appreciate it, I think no less of you. But complaining about what amounts to free music is a bit much.....wouldn't you agree? Thank you for reading, sharing, listening, and commenting, but COMPLAINING? Please simply find another blog that is more suited to your personal needs. Thanks, Scott M