USA....BUT, my Mother and her husband moved to Tucson Arizona in about 2000 or thereabouts....it became my sort of second "home town", visiting there at least once a year until the time of my mother's passing in 2010.....not that ANY of that has ANYTHING to do with the "Tucson sound", but I do happen to have a couple of discs here that do, indeed, highlight just that. Only two discs today, this is NOT the Texas scene, but this is some OBSCURE shit for certain.

The other disc is "Think of the Good Times, The Tucson '60's Sound"....the Grodes and Dearly Beloved from the other disc make appearances, I assume they were the "royalty" of the Tucson Garage scene of that era......Lord, last time I was there, August of 2010, it was ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN GODDAMN DEGREES......NO, it is NOT a FUCKING "DRY HEAT" whatever the hell that is.....when it is 107, it is 107, it is GODDAMN HOT, unbearably so, and no human being should have to endure that. So, if The Grodes or Dearly Beloved or whomever totally suck shit I blame it on the miserable heat. Enjoy, ya Arizonians out there.

2003, they needed to win their finale vs the Cardinals to make the playoffs (Cardinals at the time: 3-12).....decided, since Mom lives out there, lets go sponge off her and see the Vikes make the playoffs. Flew out the day after Christmas (nightmare in itself) and drove up to Tempe on Sunday for the game. Vikings found a way to lose it on THE LAST PLAY OF THE FUCKING GAME, when the legendary Josh McCown to Nate Poole passing tandem hooked up for a "legendary" TD. Loads of thanks to Dennard Walker for the most flagrant pass interference infraction I've ever seen, setting up the game winner.
Arizona has it's high points, the Indian casinos, Prescot, The Grand Canyon, the Desert Museum, Sedona, Mt. Lemon and so much more......but when I think of Arizona, I think of my Mom's dying place, and the fucking shitty Cardinals putting the Vikings out of the playoffs after I'd spent probably 2000 bucks on airfare and tickets.
LETS TALK ABOUT GIRLS-01 THE GRODES-I Won't Be There/02 THE GRODES-This Is GOodbye/03 THE GRODES-Alone In This World/04 THE GRODES-Uh Huh, Girl/05 THE GRODES-Cry a Little Longer/06 THE GRODES-She's Got What It Takes/07 THE STUMPS-Think of the Good Times/08 THE TONGUES OF TRUTH-Let's Talk About Girls/09 THE TONGUES OF TRUTH-You Can't Come Back/10 THE GRODES-What They Say About Love/11 THE GRODES-Love Is a Sad Song/12 THE INTRUDERS-Every Time It's You/13 THE INTRUDERS-Why Me/14 THE DEARLY BELOVED-Keep It Moving/15 THE DEARLY BELOVED-1965 KTKT Radio Promo/16 THE DEARLY BELOVED-Peep Peep Pop Pop/17 THE DEARLY BELOVED-Wait Till the Morning/18 THE DEARLY BELOVED-You Aint Gonna Do What You Did To Him To Me/19 THE DEALRY BELOVED-Iceman (Wild About My Loving)/20 THE DEARLY BELOVED-It's All Over/21 THE DEARLY BELOVED-I'm Not Coming Back/22 THE DEARLY BELOVED-Music Revolution/23 THE DEARLY BELOVED-I've Got a Girl/24 THE DEARLY BELOVED-Strange Feeling/25 THE DEARLY BELOVED-Flight Thirteen/26 THE DEARLY BELOVED-Merry Go Round/27 THE GRODES-Give Me Some Time/28 SPRING FEVER-Sand
THINK OF THE GOOD TIMES-01 THE STUMPS-Think of the Good Times/02 THE
OCCASIONALS-Break Away/03 KING ROCK & THE KNIGHTS-Scandal/04 THE CLASHMEN-Boondocker/05 THE NIGHTBEATS-Nightbeat/06 THE TRAVELERS-Everywhere I Go/07 THE TRAVELERS-Spanish Moon/08 THE RIC-A-SHAYS-Turn On/09 THE OCCASIONALS-Sometimes/10 RICHARD STORMY-Something Different/11 THE LEWALLEN BROTHERS-Tough He Was/12 THE LEWALLEN BROTHERS-It Must Be Love/13 THE INTRUDERS-Then i'd Know/14 THE INTRUDERS-Baby Do/15 THE QUINSTRELS-I Got a Girl/16 THE BASSMEN-The Last Laugh/17 THE REASON WHY-Dark Side/18 BUTTERSCOTCH-309/19 THE FIVE OF US-Let Me Explain/20 THE FIVE OF US-Need Me Like I Need You/21 THE BUCKET CITY DISTORTION RACKET-I Can See It's Coming/22 THE NIGHT SOUNDS-Torment/23 THE GRODES-Uh Huh, Girl/24 SOTWEED FACTOR-Bald Headed Woman/25 SOTWEED FACTOR-Say It Is Not So/26 THE DEARLY BELOVED-Flight Thirteen/27 THE MISSING LINKS-You Make Me Feel Good

psych/garage scene in the 60's, PLEASE let me know, I'll research it (minimally of course) and put up anything I can....I am finding this stuff fairly interesting for the time being, eventually, of course, I'll get back to some of my OTHER favorite genres (still thinking about that huge two week "History of the Clash" thing I have on the back burner) but for right now, I'm digging these regional acts of the decade of my birth. Hope you is as well!
FUCK Nate Poole.....in 2003 there were 4 NFL teams that finished the season with 4-12 records. The Cardinals, Chargers, Raiders, and Giants.....the Vikings managed to LOSE TO ALL FOUR OF THEM. GOD that was a pathetic team, and in reality had no business even sniffing a playoff berth. BUT, when you spend that kind of jack to fly across the country, pay for premium tickets, and sit in a stadium so full of Vikings fans that you'd think we were in Minneapolis (fun fact: on the day of this game (12/28/03) it was actually COLDER in Tempe AZ than it was in Minneapolis), you expect SOME KIND OF A PAYOFF......but that is "my" fucking Vikings for ya......1969, 1973, 1975, 1976, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2009, 2012.....you name it, they've fucked it up SOMEHOW. no team in sports, save perhaps the Chicago Cubs, could it be more difficult to be a "loyal" fan of. Honestly I could give a fuck if they ever win ANYTHING, because likely it would spell the end of my life