and tons and tons of them, requests will of course be honored, I know Pete was thrilled that I had some classic "Creepy" issues, and threw in some "Famous Monsters of Filmland" as a bonus......anyway, I got TONS of shit like that, if you wanna request something, if I have it it will be put up, but some of them are so numerous it might take me a couple of days to get it ready....for example, someone asked me about "Dark Shadows", the classic-cult-horror-camp late 1960's goth-soap, it was in comic form for a while when it was popular, and after checking, I see I have maybe 100 issues or so, so it will take me a minute....anyway, it's coming in the next week or so, I will gladly share anything I have, and I have a bit....

One of the greatest novels of them all, Ray Bradbury's incredible anti-censorship statement "Fareneheit 451", works well in comic format......if unfamiliar, it depicts a future in which books/reading are outlawed.......it's an incredible book, and, as with so many brilliant dystopian novels, seems to be coming closer to reality every day....honestly, stuff like this, "The Handmaid's Tale", "Flashback", "1984", etc, become more and more believable every day.
Welcome to the "future"......FUCK it is gonna be UGLY, enjoy it..........
"It was a pleasure to burn" is perhaps the most chilling opening passage to any novel ever.